Monday, January 07, 2008

Mocha Tea Ruby Rolls (Bread)


Anonymous said...

this recipe also, care to share?
looks unique, wonder how it taste.


kellie said...

wow .. Aunty Lucy, this is something unusual .. yes, it's so unique !! like it like it ..

Anonymous said...

Hi Aunty,

Is this just normal bread dough where you roll out the dough into a tray and bake?


Aunty Yochana said...

Hi Liying,

I press the normal bread dough into a swiss roll pan and then bake it. The rest is the same as rolling a normal swiss roll.


Anonymous said...

Hi Aunty,

May I know did you grill the outer layer? As I had try this bread roll before 'Sushi Roll'. It is very soft like swiss roll, it outer layer is a bit crispy.


Aunty Yochana said...

Hi Liying,

I don't use the grill to bake my bread. I used normal oven temp.
Don't overbake tho...cos it will harden the top as what you've said and you find it hard to roll into a swiss roll.


Anonymous said...

hi, aunty, appreciate if you can share the recipe. what's the tea ruby? is it the pearls in those bubble tea?