Friday, August 24, 2007

Huat Kueh


Anonymous said...

Wooouuww Aunty, very pretty color....and the four sides break nicely, do you mind share the recipe with us .....

Thank You and GBU

Anonymous said...


these are lovely! do you mind to share the recipe please? thanks

mui mui

r0ad5|d3 JuL|3+ said...

hi aunty yochana!

please post the recipe for this? i tried making this once when I was craving for it.. I used the instant one but there was so much baking soda added to it that it tasted terrible!!!

would appreciate it tons, if u could post it.. =)


Anonymous said...

Hi Aunty Yochana,
is it possible to share the recipe for this? I like to do this and make it for those temple offering! thanks!


Anonymous said...

what beautiful huat kueh u have! i've tried making these but always fail.

Anonymous said...

Aunty Yochana
cannot share the recipe? :(

Anonymous said...

Aunty Yochana

I hv tried bake huat kueh, but not soft and cracked nicely like yours. Pls would like to share your recipe. My email: TQ

Anonymous said...

Hi Aunty

Very impressive of your colourful huat kueh, do you mind to post me or share your receipe with me

Thank you