Thursday, September 17, 2009

Snowskin Mooncakes


bk said...

These moulds were beautiful :)

Irene's Footprints said...

Your moulds are veri nice...Where you bot it?
Is it expensive?

Delicious looking

: )

yin said...

very nice patterns. can i know where you get those moulds aunty? thanks.

Aunty Yochana said...


These moulds are from Sun Lik at 33 Seah Street.


Anonymous said...

hi auntie,

i bought too much fried glutinous rice flour. Is it possible for me to substitude this flour for recipies that do not require glutinous flour to be fried?

thanks for your help!!

yin said...

oh aunty, did you buy them long ago? cos i went there a few days ago looking for nice moulds but they dun seem to have any like yours in the pic

backyana said...

Hi aunty yochana,
why does my ping pei dough turns out so greasy and wet? Yours looks really like ping pei! Mines looks so oily! please help!!