Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Fly African


syazwaniadnan said...

wow.. the stripes are very detail!
would u share the tips?

Wen said...

Wow! This is really cool! It's swirl so evenly.

Cookie said...

Nice stripes... but why call Fly African? I would call them Fly Zebra! Heehee

Anonymous said...

how did u get the swirls so evenly done?! =)

sherlyn said...

Wah, really very nice strips .. I still cant get it right after two attempts and my kids are asking for it .. but mixer died .. haven buy one yet... *sigh*

Anonymous said...

Africa has Zebra... Zebra cake?

Unknown said...

Gorgeous!! Aunty, may I know what is the secret in getting such uniform lines?


Nur said...

hi sweet aunty,

Your layerings are marvelous. the one & only time I did this, all the stripes went haywire..

novia said...

may i have one slice of this lovely and tasty cake? how can you do that? swirl so evenly?

Coco 古佳仪 said...

the pattern is really nice !!

Quinn said...

Aunty Yo, I found thid recipe in your recipe index. I wonder if it's alright if I omit the walnut and not replace it with any other nut. Also, do I keep opened ovalette at room temperature or in the refrigerator? Heaps of thanks!

Aunty Yochana said...

Hi Quinn

yes you can omit the walnuts. Ovalette can be kept at room temp. especially when you are living in a cold country.
