Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Cheese Financiers


Goody Egg said...

Hi Aunty,
What is your email address?

From Kium

Big Boys Oven said...

nice Financiers

adlin said...

hi aunty,
it would be great if you could tell me that other than philadelphia cream cheese, is there any other cheaper brands that i can use for recipes involving cream cheese?
where can i find them?

thank you

Anonymous said...

this looks yummy. can i have the recipe plz? thanks!

Aunty Yochana said...

Hi Big Boys Oven

Thanks...it's very delicious.


Aunty Yochana said...

Hi adlin

you can try Anchor.


Unknown said...

Hi, can I know if I will need to mix the cream cheese with anything? Or do I just pipe in the cream cheese into the financiers? Thx. =)