Monday, March 02, 2009

Birthday Cake

This is for a little 3-year boy who is allergic to milk, cream and cheese. He loves fruits and I was told that for the past years, he cut the cake but never ever get to taste it. So this year, I hope he can have a slice of his birthday cake.....Happy Birthday.


  1. aww poor guy.
    did you end up making the cake with no dairy?

  2. Hello Aunty Yo, I know how this little boy feels, because I have the same milk, no cheese and no butter for me as well..lactose intolerant...they called it. You are so nice to bake this lovely cake for his birthday, I'm sure he will enjoy every bit of it...


  3. Oh Gosh Sue,

    What happens if you accidentally consume it? I'm curious.


  4. Hi ju

    yes I did...I make sure it does not contain those 3 items.


  5. Dear Yochana,
    My neice's daughter is allergy to dairy products & nuts. Poor girl never has eaten a lovely birthday cake like the one you baked. I would appreciate it if this recipe can be printed & to make all of them merry.

  6. Hi Anna,

    In fact I used an optima sponge cake and buttercream base which have been posted in my blog already. The decor is up to you. I have put up my creations, so you can follow.


  7. that is very thoughtful of you, aunty.I'm sure the birthday boy will enjoy eating his birthday cake. BTW, i would like to ask you about the eggs. If the recipe calls for 6 egg yolks and when you break 3 eggs and get 6 egg yolks, you count 3 or 6 egg yolks? what about the whites?

  8. my nephew experience that too... if he taken those.. he will have rashes all over for a week and need alots of jabs.. now he will so careful with what he eat .. for the fear of medi & jabs...

  9. Hi Aunty Yochana

    Thanks for sharing this.

    My son is just like the little boy - he's got cow's milk allergy. I would have to scrutinize the loaves of bread we usually just grab from the shelves. It has made me realise how often we take things for granted.

    And thank goodness, he loves to eat the cakes and biscuits I bake, using modified recipes. :)

  10. Oh dear. Poor boy! I'm sure he loves this cake :)

    I do have a silly question to ask though. What kind of colouring brand do you use? Recently, I made buttercream using the recipe that you posted and put some buttercream with colouring.

    Problem is everyone who eats the cake, looked like they've just eating betel leaf. I tried changing colour to blue and the effect is the same. I didnt dare to use colouring on my buttercream since.

    Hope you can let me know what brand/type of colouring you use.

  11. Hi Aunty Yo,

    Thanks so so so so much for the b'day cake. It was not only beatiful but also it taste wonderful as well.

    The little boys kept saying the whole night "Mummy, my birthday cake".

    I personally think this is the best gift for the little boy! Happy Birthday Vanlucas.

    On behalf of my fren, I would like to thank you from the bottom of our heart.

    God bless,


    p/s: thanks for the macaroons, muffins and bread. It was good!!!

  12. Hi Marrie,

    I'm glad Vanlucus likes the cake. Wish him a wonderful wonderful birthday today and may all his dreams come true.


  13. Hi Yan,

    our buttercream is not bitter. What brand of colouring did u use? You probably used too much.


  14. HI Pudgy mummy and Ling,

    Oh poor thing. They will be deprived of all the nice and delicious bakes.


  15. Hi Aunty Yochana,

    Im sure the little boy will enjoy his Bday cake!! Looks cute, and Im sure it taste heavenly too!


  16. Hi delia,

    It all depends on the size of the egg yolk. Take by weight then, weigh the egg yolks - it should weigh about 20 gm. each.


  17. hi aunty,

    im lactose intolerant too, as long as its nt too much dairy in baked goods still okay, bt drinking the milk straight, gives me bad stomach runs. :(

    evelyn sim

  18. Hi Aunty,
    It's heartening to know that u've baked a non-dairy cake for the b'day boy! Thumb-up for your effort and compassion. After reading ur blog, it reminds me that there are many people having food allergy.I hope that there's a break through in medi science to cure such condition. Wishing all of u gd health.


  19. Hi aunty,

    I'll be baking a birthday cake for my son this weekend. I intend to use whip cream to decorate the cake. Can you advise me as to which brand of whipping cream should i use? This will be the first time i'm using whip cream. Pls help....
    Regards - halimah

  20. Hi Halimah,

    Use Value pride for decoration.


  21. Hi cheery,

    You have always been very thoughtful...and I do hope that with advance medication, things will be better for many who's allergic to all kinds of food.


  22. hi evelyn,

    stomach run...having diarrhoea??

    I thought you will swell and rashes all over the body. I'm still curious tho..


  23. Dear Aunty Yo

    Oh no! the buttercream is awesome. but the moment I put colouring, the lips will turn whatever colour I put. For eg, if I put pink, my lips and tongue will turn pink too because of the colouring.

    So I was wondering, is it the brand of colouring that I'm using or is there a better tactic to put colouring?

    I didnt use all the buttercream. i took some, put in a bowl, add colouring and mix it well...but i ended up looking like i'm ready for halloween.

  24. Oh, boy, if I accidentally had some of the dairy products...I'll be sick all day...throwing up..stomachache and feels uncomfortable, like the food just sit in the stomach and won't get digested..sickly feeling all day...


  25. Oh poor thing Sue....

    take care!!


  26. Hi Yan,

    what brand did you use? Your colouring might not be the right one. I have a set which is for colour spray...which means you use a machine , fill in the colouring and spray onto the cake.


  27. hello aunty yochana,

    where can i find Value Pride whipping cream? i've never seen this brand of whipping cream before..

    oh, and how long can whipped cream be kept after whipping?


  28. Hi aunty,
    Where can i purchase value pride from? I bought Redman's whipping cream but havent tried it. Have you tried that brand before. I want something that is tasty.
    Regards - halimah

  29. Hi Halimah

    I bought Value Pride from Sun Lik. I understand that some whip cream is non-Halal. Perhaps you would like to check-up and let me know too...I'm curious tho.


  30. Dear Aunty Yo

    You're using a spray? As in airbrush method? I bought Wilton from Phoon Huat. Maybe it's not suitable for buttercream.

  31. What a lovely birthday cake! Well done. I am sure the boy must have been delighted.

    Here are some useful tips if you need to bake without milk or without eggs. Milk in the recipe can be easily replaced by soya milk, butter by milk-free margarine. With eggs it's a bit worse, but you can boil some linseed in water and then add the liquid to your dough. It helps to give the dough the right consistency (you can even made pancakes without eggs this way).

  32. Thanks K. BRAUN for your useful tips.



  33. Hi aunty,
    Thanks again. I have not heard of any whipping cream that is non-halal. To what i know, whipping cream is made from cow's milk and the non-dairy whip cream is definitely halal. I'll look see the next time i go down to phoon huat and let you know ya....
    Regards - halimah
