Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Pumpkin Rice


Anonymous said...

Hi Aunty, I like pumpkin rice, I also cook this at home.

ur pumpkin rice looks good, you not only good in baking but good in cooking too. So capable!

Anonymous said...

Looks like..yum.

Gina Choong said...

Hi Lucy, try to fry the rice in wok first and also to deep fry the pumpkin bits. Then cook in rice cooker. A trick I learnt from a Chef. Brings out the flavour of the pumpkin in the rice and the rice tastes better too. :)

Aunty Yochana said...

hi gina,

That's what I did and it's really delicious.


Anonymous said...

Hi Aunty, the rice u use here is it a overnight rice? than do we fry till cook til put it into the rice cooker?

Aunty Yochana said...

Hi anonymous

this is not fried pumpkin rice. I cooked the uncooked rice with all the ingredients in a rice cooker. Before putting into the rice cooker, fry it first.

O.K. when I'm free, I will post the recipe.
