Sunday, February 01, 2009

Fruit Cake


kyra's mom said...

Hi aunty,
I have a question not related with this post. I hope you can help me.
Last time I made butter cheese cake using your recipe, and it tasted really good.
So, now I'm planning to make baby shower cake for my friend using the same cake. My question is? What kind of filling do you think is the best for the cake if I want to sandwich 2 cakes together.
Sorry to bother you with such question. Thanks so much aunty.

Aunty Yochana said...

hi kyra's mom

you can sandwich with butter cream or fresh cream depending on the occassion. If you need to put at room temp for many hours, I suggest you use butter cream.


kyra's mom said...

Thanks for your quick answer aunty.
Your so nice.
I think I'm gonna go with the butter cream.
Thanks again.

Patricia said...

Hello aunty,i noticed this fruit cake texture are like the spongey type.Is it? BTW i cannot find the recipe for u'r chinese almond biscuit in u blog....can u email the recipe and this fruit cake also, pleaseee...TQ TQ again...