Saturday, January 31, 2009

Steamed Moist Chocolate Cake


Anonymous said...

Is there a recipe for this please?

Anonymous said...

OMG...this cake looks gorgeous! I'm sure it tastes as good as it looks. Where can I get the recipe for this cake?

Anonymous said...

this looks awesome!
can you email me the recipe?
thank you!

Anonymous said...

is the recipe using evaporated milk aunty? I still have a can of evaporated milk, gonna exp in 1 month.hehehe
thought the moist is from many liquid?c

Anonymous said...

Are you sharing the recipe???I'll wait for that...Thankls! - phia

Aunty Yochana said...

Hi Yoo Lee,

yes this is using evaporated milk.


Anonymous said...

Can I have the recipe too? Im drooling at this moment when looking at the cake!!

thanks aunty!


Anonymous said...

pls share the recipe aunty, looks so moist! I tried making steam brownies just like top seller in indonesia, but failed, mine is so dry!

Hearty Bakes said...

Hi Aunty!
This choc cake looks yummylicious!
Aunty, how do u pipe the cream? Yours very neat and beautiful! I don know why mine isnt stiff enough, no pattern comes out from the piping nozzle?
Thank you for your sharing!

Aunty Yochana said...

Hi Jessie

Your butter cream is not properly done and it's a sign that it's too watery and soft.


Anonymous said...

hello aunty!

will it turn out the same way if i were to bake it instead of steam it?

Aunty Yochana said...

hi felicia,

I've not tried baking so I cannot comment on it.


Anonymous said...

Hi Aunty,

Gong Xi Fa Cai!

This looks very moist and rich, yummy yummy!

Did you use the same steamed moist choc cake recipe that you have posted in your blog before?

Olivia said...

Hi Aunty Yochana

This chocolate looks so moist and yummy. Will you be sharing the recipe of this yummalicious chocolate cake soon?


Anonymous said...

i steamed this steamed moist chocolate cake during cny. just go to the google search and type 'STEAMED MOIST CHOCOLATE CAKE'. But i omitted the chocolate fudge topping. All ingredients are in there.

Anonymous said...

i steamed this steamed moist chocolate cake for my cny. everyone said nice and moist and yummy. just go to the google search and type 'STEAMED MOIST CHOCOLATE CAKE'. All ingredients are in there but i did not top with chocolate fudge topping. nice also.

Anonymous said...

hi flower

u able to e mail to me
steamed moist chocolate cake

thanks my

Anonymous said...

Hi! Aunty Yochana, Your cake look so yummy. Can you kindly share the recipe with me? My email is Thanks and "gong xi fa cai"

Anonymous said...

hi aunty Yochana

I am interested in the the steamed chocolate cake ...looks nice ..
COuld u email me ??? thks

Anonymous said...

Hi! Aunty Yochana
I like this cake. Looks real good. Can i have the recipe. I uderstand that you conduct classes.Can you let me know. I am keen. Keep up the good work.

Unknown said...

Hi! Aunty Yochana
I like this cake. Looks real good. Can i have the recipe. I uderstand that you conduct classes.Can you let me know. I am keen. Keep up the good work.

anak ahmad no3 said...

hai aunty, may i know how u make sure the cake top not break? my steam cake always cracks on top,like muffin in kenny rogers but i like it smooth like u do so can put topping..tq 4 sharing

Anonymous said...

hi aunty d cake is sooo gorgeous n deliciously yummy... can u email me d recipe?

Jo said...


I googled and found a girl's blog...then she was raving about you in almost every post...

Then i saw your blog!!! OMG! Everything looks super yummy! So i'm going to post my comment at my all-time-fav chocolate cake! I love anything chocolate...and all sweet stuffs. ;p

WOW WOW! I cant cook at all...but i sure LOVE your blog! Makes me VERY HUNGRY NOW!!!

Maybe my sis (in Spore) might be interested in your baking class. Please email me at I'll let her know 1st thing tomorrow morning! ;)

Anonymous said...

Hi Lucy,
why u cannot post the recipe?. You got it from someones blog.Everyone requesting for this recipe.Then why can't u share it lucy?

Aunty Yochana said...

Hi Pamela,

Is there a must that I post every recipe that is requested? I'm not obliged nor paid to do this request of yours.

If you think this is from someone's blog, please do get it from there.

Anonymous said...

Hi Aunty,

Your cake looks super yummy yummy. i would be delighted if you can share the recipe with me..please.. my email add: thanks a lot aunty and more power to you and this beautiful blog..

Anonymous said...

Hi Aunty,

The cake looks delicious! May I have the recipe please? Address is

Thank you!


Anonymous said...

Hi Aunty,

This cake look delicious! May I have the recipe please? Address is

Thank you!
