Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Solemnisation Cupcakes

These are 12 Trial-run Solemnisation Cupcakes for a nice young couple...hope they like it..The young bride-to be would like them to have a romantic feel with lots of flowers.


Anonymous said...

Guess what ? when I see these, I wish I'm the bride once again ! out such sweet looking cupcakes. Too bad, it's 20yrs ago already.

Aunty Yochana said...

HI yaha,

can do it one more time...makeover...


Aunty Yochana said...

hi charmz closet,

I used cutters to cut out.


Anonymous said...

Can't makeover lah....too much work and it's impossible and dont' know where to start also :)

I shall wait for your daughter's wedding to receive one of these :) Hahaha

Aunty Yochana said...

Hi Yaha,

Oh by that time, I will make a 3-tiered wedding cake for her.


Anonymous said...

Hi aunty yo,

they are gorgeous! what flavours are the cupcakes?

Btw, may i ask where did u get those plastic boxes? I thought of getting them to put soft toys as christmas gifts, but had no clue where to buy them. thanks.

Aunty Yochana said...

Hi phoebe,

I got them from Starnet, IMM building.


Anonymous said...

Aunty, they're so pretty! Next time if i can married, can u help me bake these pretty ones? HEEE.



Anonymous said...

hello aunty yochana

it's so sweet...nice =)

Anonymous said...

Hi Aunty,

What a lovely picture to start the day with.

"A picture can describe a thousand words" - how true.

Very pretty - I am so in love with them :)-


Anonymous said...

So pretty! When i get married in the future,can u bake this for me? hee. I left one comment ytd nite but it seems like it's not getting through. Weird. =)

Miss you aunty!


Anonymous said...

Hi Yaha,
You should do a "renew your vows" so Aunty Y can make those gorgeous cakes for you LOL Dont forget to send me one LOL
Beautiful cakes as usual Aunty Y. :) I have been eating all your cakes with my "eyes"

Aunty Yochana said...

Hi cui,

Definitely....I will....I'm waiting for the day.


Anonymous said...

Hi Aunt Yo,

This is so beautiful. The couple and friends that going to have this from you is going to be very blessed.

Looking at every individual cake, i can sense you have put all your love in making them.

With love,
Jacqueline from babycancook

Anonymous said...

So lovely cupcakes. If i have a chance to go back home, i really would like to attend your class!

Aunty Yochana said...

thanks Elizabeth for your compliments.


Snooky doodle said...

wow how cute :) thesea re awesome

Anonymous said...

yah, right, thoese lovely cupcake make me wish to have it. anniversary will do, maybe. would you mind to make them for us, on next christmas? 3rd anniversary? ship those to indonesia? he he he ...

Charmz Closet said...

Hi Aunty,

Do you have recipes for these cupcakes? wat flavour are those? for the Deco, are they icing?