Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Solemnisation Cupcakes


Charmz Closet said...

hey Aunty Yochana,

any recipe for this? how do u do the deco? so sweet

Olivia said...

Wow Aunty Yochana

Just feel like getting myself married and have these cakes for solemnisation also :) But then nobody wants ler!! :(

Anyway they are so lovely.


Aunty Yochana said...

Hi Olivai,

quickly get one lah...still not too late.


Anonymous said...

hi aunty,

ur cupcakes are so u use water to stick the fondant together?

aunty, i saw one of the cupcake is in a clear plastic box...aunty where u bought tat?...i try to find at skp but they dun have.

thank you:)


Anonymous said...

hi aunty, may i know where you got the tiny silver & gold dragees balls? i can only find the regular size ones.

Aunty Yochana said...

hi shelly,

u can get it from Sun Lik.


Zurynee said...

They are soo pretty and sweet :-)

Shalini Nathan said...

Hi AUnty Yochana,

I'm so impressed your skills. If you do not mind, could you maybe send me a email on how much such cupcakes cost if we order from you.

There's so pretty and so perfect to use for any occasion!

My email is

Thanks loads!!

Big-Girlicious said...

Hey aunty! =)

can i order from u for my wedding!?!?!?!?! =D

Aunty Yochana said...

Hi Big-Girlicious,

no problem...just email me:
