Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Chilled Marshmallow Peach Cheese Cake


Yan said...

Aunty :

is the room temperature cream cheese mixed with the melted marshmallow and gelatin under slow fire or away from heat ?


Anonymous said...

WAH!!! Recipe for this please!!

Also, how do you manage to make the cake come out in such a nice circle??

Anonymous said...

Hi Aunty Yochana,

How did you make the gelatin-peach topping? Can you give us the recipe for the gelatin-peach topping? Did you make sure your cake was set before you put on the gelatin-peach topping? Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Hi aunty yochana,
look so tempting of your
de.......licious cake.wat is the bottom base? care to share recipe? Thanks.

Aunty Yochana said...

hi pinky 70, I used crispy rice with chocolate.


Anonymous said...

Hiaunty yo, this is the best looking cheesecake i've ever seen! May I know which cookbook is this recipe from? Thanks for sharing!! Chris

Anonymous said...

Aunty yochana, Thanks for your reply, but can use Digestive Biscuits or spong cake for the base? can use e ingredients sames as heart jelly for center parts? what type of crispy rice?

Anonymous said...

auntie, is the top part instant jelly or agar agar? TQ

Aunty Yochana said...

hi stephy,

I used gelatine, sugar and water.


Aunty Yochana said...

Hi anonymous.

yes you can use digestive biscuits or sponge cake.

I used kellogg's rice krispy.


Aunty Yochana said...

Hi Chris,

No cookbook for this cheesecake.


Anonymous said...

Hi Aunty Yo, good on u, keep up your creativity!! Cheers, chris