Monday, September 22, 2008

Pandan Cookie Cake


Anonymous said...

Dear Aunty Yochana,
ai you! how you make this cake ha? I don't see any cookies in this cake leh?

Curious to know how this is made?


Anonymous said...

Hi aunty

this cake look totally delicious!

Aunty Yochana said...

Hi Melinda,

I blended the biscuits and added into the batter. If you use a microscope perhaps you can see specks of biscuits.


Anonymous said...

aunty. I have a question.
IN sponge and chiffon cake, the higher amount of flour would mean a more "solid" cake instead of a really soft one right? Cause I made chiffon and sponge cakes and all of them are quite soft compared to yours which look more rigid in your picture.

Aunty Yochana said...

Hi sree,

Chiffon cakes does not have a lot of flour. You have to bake till cooked and the chiffon cake must be able to stand on it's without limping.


Anonymous said...

Dear Aunty,

I have a qn for you. My godmother is a diabetic and a vegetarian. She likes me to bake for her sugar free and eggless cupcakes. She doesn't want substitutes either. But, everytime I try and make it into a cake, it doesn't come out properly. The butter collects at the bottom even though I'm careful with mixing. Can you offer me any solutions?
