Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Pandan/Chempedak/Orange Chiffon Cake


Anonymous said...

aunty, pls post cempedak chiffon cake. Dad bought a huge cempedak and i can even smell compedak upstairs. Don't know how to finish em.....

Thank you..

Anonymous said...

hi aunty your chiffon cakes look perfect! one question, how do you know whether the insides are cooked or not. last time i tested mine with a skewer, it came out clean but the insides are still damp.

Anonymous said...

my exams are nearly over so i'm going to start looking for a chiffon pan! :) nice chiffon cakes aunty!

Anonymous said...

Dear aunty, my chiffon cakes are always a flop. I would like to join your next class for chiffon cakes. Pls advise on the date. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

dear aunty, i would like to join your next baking class for chiffon cakes. Please advise on the date. Thanks.

porkie said...

aunty, i want to join your next baking class for chiffon cake. pls advise on date. Thanks.

Anonymous said...


My indonesian mother inlaw is a big fan of Chiffon cakes,your chiffon cakes certainly look so yummy , i hope i am not sounding rude ,could you share your Pandan chiffon cake recipe with me ?
I would love to bake your feather light looking Pandan Chiffon cake for her :)

Thank you very much


Aunty Yochana said...

Hi Jennifer,

My pandan chiffon cake is already in my blog.


Aunty Yochana said...

hi porkie,

I will see how many people are interested in the chiffon cake class then I will start one.


CHRISTOH said...

Hi Aunty Lucy,
I would like to try out the chempedak chiffon cake by tweaking your pandan chiffon cake recipe. How much of chempedak would i need for 1 chiffon recipe? Do I blend the chempedak till pulp smooth then add in? Don't want to trouble you so much for the chempedak recipe so I thought maybe i just venture a bit and see what happens. Thanks n regards, Chris

Aunty Yochana said...

Hi chris,

just puree 100 of chempedak and mix into the batter.


Anonymous said...

hi aunty, please answer my question.

Anonymous said...

Aunty Yo,
Possible to bake chiffon cake in those counter top oven?

Aunty Yochana said...

hi sunsweet,

it'll get burnt on top if it's too close to the heating elements.


Anonymous said...

Hi Aunty

I'm also interested in any of your cake baking class. Can you email me : if you are starting one.

Thanks a lot

Anonymous said...

Aunty Yo,

That means I can only buy my chiffon liao.. :(

unless one day i get a big oven keke

Have hinted Hubby for breadmachine cos I'm in love with the breads you've made :P

Anonymous said...

HI auntie, i wanted to ask you how you remove your chiffon cake from the tin so nicely, with the 'skin' still intact. coz when i remove mine, the skin sticks to the sides, and i know that for chiffon cakes you cant grease the pan, so what other ways can i achive a nice chiffon cake like yours?