Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Orange / Lemon Soft Cotton Cake


Anonymous said...

This looks good, what pan size you used for full recipe ?

Anonymous said...

Hi Yochana,

Woh! I love this lovely cake. Can post the recipe? Thanks


Anonymous said...

Hi Yochana, I am interested to know if you bake with a fan forced oven or conventional oven (using top & bottom heat with no fan)?

Most of your bakes have very nice and even browning. I used to be using a fan forced only oven but have recently changed to one with both conventional and fan forced. So I was wondering if I should continue using the fan mode or not when baking.

Thanks for your input. :)

Aunty Yochana said...

hi Yaha,

I used 9" x 13"


Aunty Yochana said...

Hi Sarah,

I used a conventional overn.


Anonymous said...

Hi Aunty Yochana,

What is conventional oven? My oven has top & bottom heat with grill also. Normally, when baking cakes & muffins which level should we place our pan or tray? Thank you


Anonymous said...

Hi aunt, it looks so soft like cotton, can share the recipe? Thanks, Sarah (diff fm the abv sarah...)

Anonymous said...

hi aunty, may I know if u manipulated this recipe using a book from Y3K which has the recipe of soft cotton orange cake? if you use this recipe can you please tell me what manipulation u made? and what did you do to the lemon layer? thanks aunty..

Anonymous said...

Hi Aunty Yochana

Will you be so kind to share the recipe?


Anonymous said...

Hi Yochana,

Will the baking temperature and time be different if I use muffin papercup or other kind of tall cupcake mould?

This cake looks yummy. Would you mind sharing the recipe?


Anonymous said...

Hi Aunty Yochana,
I was extremely tempted by all your cakes. I am very much looking forward to this Sunday class and eagle to get to know you too. Possible to send me this recipe?

Tks in advance

Aunty Yochana said...

Hi ling,

this is totally not connected to


Anonymous said...

ok.. then, can you please post this recipe when you are free?
thanks aunty

Anonymous said...

hey aunty yochana, can you please send this recipe to me? kindly send it to
it looks really colourful and yummy and i want to bake it for my family and friends. thanks so much.((:

Aunty Yochana said...

hi anonymous,

your's is a conventional oven. always place your cake in the middle of the oven.


Anonymous said...

Hi Aunty,

Looks so prety and yummy... So soft that I can feed my bb the cake! I wish I can attend yr class on Sunday but no one to look after my bb.

Believe everyone will have a good time! Happy Baking.



Anonymous said...

Wow Cotton Cake.. Citrus Flavour too..!! please sahre with us the receipe!! :)

Unknown said...

hi aunty ..the cake looks lovely. Can i get the recipe from any book or book store? thanks

Aunty Yochana said...

Hi sue,

this cake is not from any books..


Anonymous said...

Hi Aunty Yochana

This and the Mandarin soft cotton cake look so good, soft and fluffy! Wish i could sink my teeth into a slice! It looks like sth a newbie like me could bake too, what do u think ? *wink wink*

Aunty Yochana said...

hi erica,

if you know the tactic, it shouldn't be too difficult for you.


Anonymous said...

hello aunty yo,

well, guess i won't knw unless you post the recipe *hint hint*! happy mid autumn festival to you and all at hm!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Aunty Yochana

This cake is so soft and looks so yummy.

Can you kindly post the recipe please?

Thank you