Monday, September 22, 2008

Kueh Tu Tu


Anonymous said...

Dear Aunty Yochana,
These Kueh Tu Tu are real expensive nowadays. And it's quite difficult to find, especially when there is a pa sa malam then you can find them. Wonder which flour they are made of? And also that unique mould, what can I buy them?

Possible to post the recipe?


Happy Flour said...

Hi Aunty,

I saw Sun Lik selling this 'Kueh Tu Tu' mould but they don't have the flour. May I know where you bought the 'Kueh Tu Tu' flour. I also wanted to try this.


Happy Flour said...

Hi Aunty,

I saw Sun Lik selling this 'Kueh Tu Tu' mould but they don't have the flour. May I know where you bought the 'Kueh Tu Tu' flour. I also wanted to try this.


Anonymous said...

Dear Aunty,
Yum yum. Kueh Tu Tu is my kids and my favourite. Would you please post the recipe?

Yen Li

Anonymous said...

hi aunty,
Can I use tart mould for this kueh tu tu? Pls share. thk!

Aunty Yochana said...

Hi happy flour,

I got this flour from my staff. Her mum sent her some flour which she grinded in India. I just add some salt to about 100 gm water then mix into 1 cup of the flour.

Melinda, Yes Sun Lik sells this.

Cheery, tart mould is a good idea but it must be shallow.


Anonymous said...

wow aunty yochana!
i like this haha but now adays is expensive and some has plastic or some werid coconut taste. i miss those days really nice ones..
i thought of making but only eat one or 2 then abit troublesome haha


devan said...

Hi Aunty,

Is this kuih similar to Putu Piring? Very well known in Malacca.


Aunty Yochana said...

Yes devan,

This is the chinese version of Putu Piring.


Anonymous said...

Oh MY GOD!!!! aunty knows how to make kui tutu too~~ this is my childhood fav kuih~~ can aunty share the recipe?? pls pls pls.......................

Thank you aunty!!


Hugbear said...

Lucy, I love Kueh Tu Tu, espcially the ones with coconut and yours look lovely.

Aunty Yochana said...

hi Jas,

I agak agak only. 1 cup grounded rice flour with 100 gm water Mixed with 1/2 to 1 tsp. salt.


Anonymous said...

Hi aunty yo,

you are amazing! U even know how to make kueh tu tu! I love to eat these! But it's not easy to find nice ones, because some coconut are either too sweet, or too dry or not fragrant enough.


Aunty Yochana said...

Hi Jas,

Alamak...I gasak Buta one...but can eat lah. Still need to improve on it.


nicole said...

hi Aunty Yo

would like to ask if you press the kueh tu tu and unmould it before steaming or steam it without unmoulding it

Anonymous said...

Hi Aunty,

Just wanna ask you did you fill the kueh tutu with your own filling and steam it in a normal steamer or a special one? Sorry, a bit sua ku.

- Blur Blur

Suzie said...

Dear Aunty,

Yummy yummy yummy, Kueh Tu Tu is my favourite. Would you please inbox me the recipe (

Thanks a lot Aunty.


Suzie said...

Dear Aunty,

Yummy yummy yummy Kueh Tu Tu is my favourite. Would you please inbox me the recipe (



Suzie said...

Dear Aunty,

Kueh Tu Tu is my favourite. Would you please reply me the recipe.



Suzie said...

Dear Aunty,

Kueh Tu Tu is my favourite. Would you please inbox me the recipe.



Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Hi Aunty Yochana,

I saw your yummy Kueh Tutu.Please send me the recipe for Kueh Tutu.I have to try it...

Anonymous said...

Hi aunt Yochana,

I really love Tu Tu and just realise that you know how to make it. Could you sent the recipe for Kueh Tu Tu to my email @
