Bread Dough:
400 gm. Bread flour
150 gm. Yam - Steamed and mashed into a paste
80 gm. sugar
10 gm. Instant Yeast
2 eggs
100 ml. water
1/2 tsp. salt
1/2 tsp. Yam essence
a few drops of purple colouring (optional)
60 gm. Margarine
Corn Kernel Fillings:
150 gm. fresh milk
3 Tbsp. Cornflour
30 gm. sugar
1/4 tsp. salt
100 gm. kernel corn
1 Tbsp. butter
50 gm. chopped white chocolate
(1) For bread dough, beat all the ingredients together in a mixer except salt and butter. After 5 mins. of kneading, add in salt and continue to beat for another 5 mins. before adding in the margarine. Continue to beat for another 5 mins. or more till a smooth dough is formed. You can do a window test at this stage or until there's a slapping sound while beating the bread dough in the machine.
(2) Lift up dough from mixer and roll into a round dough. Leave it aside to rest for 45 mins.
(3) After 45 mins. roll into 60 gm. balls and leave it to rest again for 10 mins. before wrapping in fillings.
(4) For Fillings: Put all the fillings (put in chopped chocolate and butter last when it's almost done) together in a saucepan and cook over low heat till fillings become thick. Chill it in the fridge so that it will be easier to wrap it.
(5) Roll out the small balls of bread dough and wrap in the fillings. Leave it on a tray to proof for another 45 mins.
(6) Brush top with beaten egg and bake at 190C for about 10 to 12 mins.
hi aunty, do u mix fresh yam into the buns? thanks
hi anonymous.
Yes I added fresh yam into the dough.
hi aunty may i ask how much fresh yam do u have to add into the dough, lets say for example 600g of flour, thank you,
Have you seen Taro layered bread with mochi inside? It's really good, i believe they use either shortening or lard for the layer.
I had it when i was in Indonesia from Eaton Bakery (originally Taiwan).
Wondering if you are interested to make it :) Next time if i go back to Indo, i will take a picture of it and send it to you
Thank You Aunty
Oh yes yes please Rachaeline,
I'll love to see that.
Oh yes yes please Rachaeline,
I'll love to see that.
Hi Aunty Yo can I use the sweet cream corn kernels that are sold in the can? Thanks & Rgds, Chris
Hi Chris,
I used the canned sweet corn kernels.
hi aunty,
have done this today.. but the dough turn out very sticky... after proofing.. i take out, it stick to my hand and very difficult to handle.. y is it so? can enlighten me? :)
Hi elaine
your dough is not properly knead that is why it's sticky.
hi aunty,
can i say that if i shlould let it cont. to knead till its not sticky?
actually i use my bread machine to do the kneading..
hi elaine
what u can do is either continue kneading with the machine or use your hands to continue kneading till a smooth and pliable dough is achieved.
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