Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Sweet Potato Polo Buns


Anonymous said...

Hi Aunty Yochana, your polo buns looks good.. care to share your recipe with me?.. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Hi Aunty,

I tried out the Polo Bun recipe from Alan Ooi's Bread Magic & I failed! :( The top crust was as hard as a cookie base. I dunno why is it so?

For the mixing of the bread dough, it took me at least 45 min to get an elastic texture, but by then, my dough has kinda dried a fair bit such that I can't seem to seal when i tried to fill in chocolate chips filling. :( What is "window test"?

Would you mind to enlighten me? Thanks.

Mui Mui

Aunty Yochana said...

Hi Mui Mui,

Wow..45 mins. is really too long to beat a bread dough. Overbeating is also no good. All in all, for a home mixer, it must not exceed more than 20 mins.

Window test - pinch a lump of dough and try to stretch the dough and if it's transparent like a see through window, then it's ready.


Anonymous said...

Hi Aunty,

Yah, I also think it is too long. What speed should I use? I'm using the kenwood mixer passed on to me by my mum's friend.

Mui Mui