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Sunday, July 06, 2008
Eggs Puzzle??????
Can anymore knock an egg and get a straight cut like this???
The answer is : The eggs has a strange dotted depression on the shell and I find it really odd. So I took a photo of it before I knock it and strange enough, the shell split into two easily with a straight cut... Strange huh??
gee lucy, where did u buy your interesting eggs? is this related to the queer egg yolk?
Where do you live? The problem is when I start calling , everybody is too busy to come to pick it up. hahaha... or eat too much cakes, get jelak already.
yeah.. my usual late night surfing after i get back fr work. how i wish i just live next to & smelling those wonderful bakes :) if u are ever in town, i would love to pick up your bakes :D
"Where do you live? The problem is when I start calling , everybody is too busy to come to pick it up. hahaha... or eat too much cakes, get jelak already."
Can I have your e-mail address Aunty so that I can contact you.
gee lucy, where did u buy your interesting eggs? is this related to the queer egg yolk?
hi Xan
Still awake??
Ha..this is a different egg from the queer egg but they are from the same batch.
Gee...I feel queer myself.
alahaii, kalau semua eggs mcm ni kan senang. hehe
lucky u aunty!
Aunty, you must be very lucky to get this egg - I think only special people will come across such interesting happenings with eggs again and again.
wow! another STRANGE egg
Hi zainab,
Can you imagine how many eggs I handle everyday???
Ya, betul lah Syazwanadnana.
Hi Aunty,
You are so lucky! The house in the photo should be your house's garden? So nice!
hahaha, that's sooo interesting aunty!
yochana said...Can you imagine how many eggs I handle everyday???
I really wonder about that...can you tell me ^^
All the pictures you posted are orders by your customers?
Hi anonymous.
yeah...that's my garden Koi Pond.
Hi dtwhale,
It's something that I saw in the books and magazines....and so I made it. 90% of it are first timers..
I gave away all my bakes.
hi...really admire your talent, for the 1st attempt the cake look so nice and yummy
Yochana, I read an article before about artificial eggs which resemble real eggs with no failure, made in China. So beware.
hmm u seem to have gathered all the strange eggs in ur house hahahahha
Hi Aunty,
So, we have the chance to try your free bakes since you are giving away....?
"I gave away all my bakes."
How I wish you can give some to me. LOL.
Have a nice baking day!
Hi Zainab,
Where do you live? The problem is when I start calling , everybody is too busy to come to pick it up. hahaha... or eat too much cakes, get jelak already.
Hi roz, it makes me wonder? The dotted lines on the eggs, are they artificial. The shop import their eggs from Malaysia. Mmm...scary ..
Hi Aunty,
We wish to go your house to get the free bakes... the main thing is to try the wonderful taste made by you.... so are you arranging....tks so much
just email me your phone number.
My email address:
hi lucy
yeah.. my usual late night surfing after i get back fr work. how i wish i just live next to & smelling those wonderful bakes :) if u are ever in town, i would love to pick up your bakes :D
Sure I'll call you if I'm in town.
"Where do you live? The problem is when I start calling , everybody is too busy to come to pick it up. hahaha... or eat too much cakes, get jelak already."
Can I have your e-mail address Aunty so that I can contact you.
Thanks in advance and may God bless you!
Hi zainab,
my email address:
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