Sunday, July 20, 2008

Coffee & White Chocolate Muffins


Anonymous said...

Hi auntie,

Your muffins always look so beautiful and yummy! =)

Mine always turned out dense and not fluffy..... Is it due to over mixed? How do I make sure the mixing is just right? Roughly how long should I mix the ingredients? Please advise.

Thanks and Regards,

Aunty Yochana said...

Hi Mei,

Yes overstirring will cause your muffins to become dense. Just lightly fold it until they are just combined.


Anonymous said...

Thanks auntie! It is extremely kind of you to share your knowledge with us! How I wish I could learn baking from you. Please take me in if you are starting any baking class ok? =)

sheena said...

Hi there,

Your muffins do look absolutely delicious and yummy.

Where can I get the recipe? I am unable to find it in your list of other recipes.


Snooky doodle said...

these muffins look really delicious . i ve been trying alot of chocoalte muffins recipes but i m not satisfied yet. can you please e mail me the recipe at re really a talented person. I get lot of insiration from your blog