Sunday, April 06, 2008

Roti Keset

Ingredients: Bread dough

300 gm. Bread flour
100 gm. Plain flour
11 gm. Instant Yeast
75 gm. sugar
20 gm. milk powder
2 eggs
130 gm. cold water
1 tsp. salt
75 gm. margarine


80 gm. Chocolate rice
100 gm. grated cheddar cheese
beaten egg for glazing


(1) Beat all the ingredients for the bread dough together except the margarine and salt.
(2) After 10 mins or beating, add in salt and margarine and continue beating for another 5 mins or till a pliable dough is formed. Dough must be soft and not rubbery. Rest dough for 45 mins.
(3) Weigh and divide into 12 pieces of dough. Roll into round balls and let it rest for 10 mins.
(4) Wrap up the dough alternately with chocolate rice and cheddar cheese and place them into 2 loaf pan of 9" x 4" (6 buns in one loaf pan). Let it rest for 45 mins.
(5) Glaze with beaten egg. Bake at 180C for about 25 mins.
(6) Unmould and leave to cool on a cooling rack.


Anonymous said...

Hi Aunty,

Your bread is so perfectly done. Is a great challenge for me to bake a bread. Still can't figure out what went wrong, wheather is the recipe (Cream Cheese loaf and Orange Bread) or the breadmaker? I used the dough cycle to knead and prove the dough but each time it turn out to be to sticky to handle. I already reduce the liquid by 15ml. I'm going to give up on my breadmaker. My mixer can do a better job.


ting said...

hello aunty,

is this like the "old fashioned" kinda bread u find in the traditional bakeries? i love those kind of bread!

Faery said...

Wow this looks delicious so soft

Pwincess linfoong said...

aunty is that yellow thing custard? How do you make it ah? is it jus add custard powder and milk only ah?

Please please answer?


Little Corner of Mine said...

So interesting! And the breads look so soft and fluffy!

Anonymous said...

hi aunty how did u make that roti it look so soft i wish i can make roti like u can u share the recipe thank you

Aunty Yochana said...

hi the cooking pwincess,

the yellow thing is cheese and it's nice when it's warm and soft.


Aunty Yochana said...

Hi Liying,

Make sure you are using bread flour to make the bread. Check your flour...shouldn't be a problem.


Mool said...

Hi Aunty Yochana,

So envy you. I always failed in my bread. Tired more than 20 times or so, using bread machine to proof the bread. Most of the time, the results were quite dry, like two days old bread ... ...

I tried Prima and Baking King Bread Flour. Both results are the same. Guessed I needed to be more hardworking, needed to hand kneaded again after proofing fm machine!

Inspired by your yummy picture! Will try again tonite. Keeping my fingers crossed now.

Have a happy weekends.

Aunty Yochana said...

Hi Mool,

Sometimes it depends on your flour. Sometimes it's more dry. Test the dough with your finger. Poke it and feel the texture that you want. Make a window test by stretching the dough till a transparent look is there. If you find the dough a bit chewy and hard to pull (break all the time), add in a little more water and knead to a soft pliable dough.


Anonymous said...

Hi Aunty,

I did use bread flour. I used difference brands of bread flour (Sun Lik, Phoon Huat, Baking King, etc). But all give the same result, can't pass the window test.
Aunty, can I knead the dough after proving and do the window test?


Bella cook said...

hi aunty,

received the ovalette today... thanks i thought it was powdery hehehe...

this looks really good... but is it a bread?? what's inside???


Aunty Yochana said...

Hi Nina, you know what is ovalette huh. Next time I'll bring in more for you.

This is bread. Inside - chocolate rice and grated cheddar cheese.


Aunty Yochana said...

Hi Liying,

After proving, do not knead and break the gluten. The bread will become very coarse. Lightly mould into a ball to let it rest.


Anonymous said...

Hi Aunty,

Thanks for the replied. I've found a breadmaker recipe from 'Home Baking Blog and give it a try. It turned out to be very soft and nice, my family love it. I think breadmaker only can use recipe trailor made for them. Share with you the recipe.

Crunchy Peanut Butter Loaf

300g water
3tbsp crunchy peanut butter
1tbsp veg. oil
450g breadflour
1 1/2tsp salt
2tbsp sugar
2tbsp milk podwer
1 1/2tsp yeast

Hope you can give it a try.


Aunty Yochana said...

oh Thank you so much liYing...will definitely try..


Anonymous said...

Hi Aunty,

The breads look so soft and fluffy.How did u make that roti it look so soft i wish i can make roti like u can u pls share the recipe. thank you

Bertha said...

Hi aunty,
this is my first time leaving a comment in your blog. I read your blog every morning when I;m sipping my coffee, curious what have you baked yesterday :).
Your roti kasur looks so soft, it reminds me of the one I had when I was back in Indonesia. Can you share the recipe please? I really want to make it.

Also, are you originally from singapore? just curious.


Aunty Yochana said...

Hi bertha,

I'm borned a Malaysian but lives in Singapore.


Anonymous said...

Dear Aunty Yochana,

Your bread is really perfect.
Thanks for posting your wonderful recipe.
May I ask you that this bread no need to use bread improver?
because I see some of your bread recipe used bread improver.



Aunty Yochana said...

Hi Kim.

Bread improver is not compulsory but if you want you can add in 1 tsp of it into the dough.


Anonymous said...

Hi Aunty,

Why must the salt be added lastly with the margarine? The salt might not mix evenly into the dough.


Aunty Yochana said...

Hi Li Ying,

5 mins mixing is enough to mix it evenly but you can always add in earlier but don't add together with the instant yeast as it will kill the yeast's action.


Anonymous said...

Hi Aunty,
Good morning, here for breakfast again. I tried the Bakpao yesterday, I should consider it turn out ok lah but not as fluffy as yours. It is a bit yellowish I think it could be the margarine I used instead of shortening. I mixed for quite some time but is the still sticky I think the next time I should mix longer until it is totally not sticky at all. Anyway I very happy, thanks for your recipe & thanks for posting the recipe for Roti Keset I like it too & will try later when time comes. Thanks again.

HandFullOfFlour said...

Hi Aunty,

I've always been horrible at making breads... but I'm hoping that one day I'll be able to make fluffy bread like yours. My breads always turn out tough and dense..

I don't have a mixer and knead by hand. Any tips on the consistencies I should look out for?



Aunty Yochana said...

HI cyrene,

Kneading bread dough with a powerful machine normally yields a better bread than using hand.

Can you try by throwing the dough hard onto the table top till they are not sticking. This is one of the method when not using machine.
