Saturday, April 05, 2008

Queen Cupcakes


Anonymous said...

Dear aunty yochana,
这个cupcakes 孩子一定很喜欢,可否给我这cupcakes 的 recipe, thank you.

Madam Tan

Yuri said...

Hi Aunty, I remember making this cake in home econs class in secondary school. It was a lesson on creaming method. We did rock bun with rubbing-in method :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Aunty Yochana,

I am Jean Leow. I want to learn from you tiramisu batik. Had left message with you but no reply. Hope to hear from you soon.

Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Hi Aunty Yochana

Ha, I'm first to write on your blog. Like many hundreds of home bakers, I check in to see your amazing creations, a few times a day. Wow, what you make a month, guess I will take a year or two to make. Your photography and presentation are just so professional. There's much I can learn from you, thank you so much.

I'm from Penang. I notice you using a silicon baking sheet for your macaroons. Can you please let me know what it's called and where to get it. I have a friend who is working in Singapore and she is coming back mid May. Appreciate you help.


Aunty Yochana said...

Hi Andrea,

thanks for browsing in my blog.

The silicone sheet is called 'Silpat'. Tell your friend to go to "Shermay Cooking School" at Chip Bee Gardens at Holland Village to get it for you. One piece is around S$49-00.


Aunty Yochana said...

Oh Yes Yuri, me too...I learnt the Queen cupcakes, Rock buns (rubbin-in method)and not forgetting our fruit cocktail and curry fish.


Anonymous said...

hi this is the first time i visited ur blog very interesting would like to know where to find the recipes ? thks jtc