Sunday, April 06, 2008

Mud Cake


Bella cook said...

hi aunty,
what icing did u use???


GG said...

Hi Aunt Yochana,
Do you mind to share the recipe of this wonderful cake please? :) Thanks in advance.

Aunty Yochana said...

Hi Nina,

I used Ganache.


Anonymous said...

Hi aunty yochana,

It's me again. I am really very interested in trying out your tiramisu cake. Do I have to a special mould for this cake? How do I remove the cake from the tin after it has set?

Please help me.

Thank you very much.

Jean Leow

Anonymous said...

hi where to get the lovely recipe pls

Anonymous said...

Hi aunty,

I have got few questions...not related to this bake but to the general baking.

1) Can I substitute cake flour with all-purpose flour?
2) If I use all-purpose flour, do i still need to put in baking powder, baking soda etc?
3) What is the use of baking powder, baking soda, cream of tartar, shortening and ovalette (emulsifier), what are their functions?


Aunty Yochana said...

Hi carpediem,

Yes you can use plain flour instead of cake flour.

Yes you still have to put inbaking powder and baking soda for all-purpose flour.

Baking powder helps to raise the height and volume of the cake. Baking soda helps to make the dough rise also known as leavening. Baking Soda in a batter is heated and combined with acidic ingredients (like lemon juice or buttermilk), it gives off carbon dioxide which, in turn, causes the dough to rise. This leavening increases the surface area of dough or batter by causing it to rise and become light and porous, and that makes a tasty cake!

Cream of tartar is best known for helping stabilize and give more volume to beaten egg whites. It is used as the leavening agent in baking powders.

Shortening is a semisolid fat used in food preparation, especially baked goods, and is so called because it promotes a "short" or crumbly texture (as in shortbread or pastry).

"Ovalette is a stabiliser used in baking sponge cakes. It helps the eggs to rise rapidly and stiffly.


Aunty Yochana said...

Hi Jean,

For tiramisu, no need to use special mould. It depends on how much you are making and use the mould of your choice.


Anonymous said...

Hi Aunty,

Thank you for sharing the recipe for roti keset.All your recipes are wonderful and everyday i'll see what is the latest recipe.Aunty do you mind sharing this recipe coz it looks really delicious.Thank you.

bakecraft said...

Hi Auntie,

Further to Carpediem's questions...What is the difference between cake flour, superfine flour and Top flour?

I have tried using plain flour on sponge cake recipes, but the cake did not turn out light and fluffy. Could it be due to the type of flour used?

Thank you.


Anonymous said...

thanks aunty...
ur the best...
hope u don't mind if i got any other questions next time.
love your work!

Aunty Yochana said...

Hi bakecraft,

Here is how I used my flour:

Cake flour - for making butter cakes, cupcakes..any cakes

Plain flour - for cookies, pastry, some cakes use plain flour

superfine flour (H.K. flour) - for pao and fatt kou. Can also use for chiffon cakes and cakes that requires light flour.


Anonymous said...

Hi Aunty,

Thank you for your reply. But I have another question. After the tiramisu cake is set 3 hours later, how do I remove the cake from the cake tin?

I admire your daily bakes, can you share how do you manage them?

Best Regards.

Jean Leow

Aunty Yochana said...

Hi jean,

Some tiramisu cakes are done in some cups or moulds and uses a spoon to scoop it up.
I like using cake rings, just remove the cake ring and the tiramisu sits nicely onto a cake board.

Mmmm....I trained my maid to weigh all the ingredients and all i do is beating, mixing and pouring into moulds and then decorate if the need arise.


Anonymous said...


I am a now regular viewer of your blog. Always look out for your daily bakes. Really think you are fantastic, you can come out with different bakes everyday. Why don't you consider giving lessons so that I can learn from you.

By the way, is there square cake ring? Where can I get them.

Jean Leow

Aunty Yochana said...

Hi jean,

I would love to give classes if I have the time.

You can buy square cake ring from Sun Lik at 33 Seah st. If she has no stock, you can order from her and she can get it done.


bakecraft said...

Thanks, Auntie :)

Anonymous said...

Thank you Aunty,

Will try out the cake and let you know the result.

Best Regards.
