Monday, April 07, 2008

Black Forest Pudding Cake


Bella cook said...

hi aunty,

what in the centre??
is it choc mousse??


Aunty Yochana said...

Hi Nina,

it's chocolate agar agar.


Anonymous said...

This looks very pretty a pond ...

Chicago Libby said...

I am new to the site, and I saw the link for recipes, but I did not see the one for this cake. It looks amazing, can you tell me where to find it?

Anonymous said...

Wah! I like this one! :)

Anonymous said...

Eh... forgot to throw in my question earlier on :p

Aunty Yo, how do you get the agar agar to sit on the cake base without soaking through it or having it slip off the cake?

Aunty Yochana said...

Hi bluecrystal,

I don't pour it immediately. I wait till semi-cooled then I pour it.


Anonymous said...

hi aunty wah this cake look yummy do u mine sharing the recipe. is this cake difficult to make thanks

Aunty Yochana said...

hi libby,

I did not post recipe for this cake yet. I don't post recipes for every cake.


San San said...

Dear Aunty Yochana,

Wow! Your Black Forest Pudding Cake and Peaches Layer Jelly Agar-agar look yummy!! I would like to make these 2 for my mommy during this Mothers' Day and wondering if you could share the receipe with me?

By the way, are you conducting any lessons? I would very much like to attend classes from you because majority of your end products do increase my craving for that! =)

Thanks & regards,

Aunty Yochana said...

Hi Melody,

Just a survey...

what would you like to learn as a first lesson to you?

give me your feedback.
