Ingredients for bottom layer: Chocolate layer:
200 ml. water
200 ml. thick coconut milk
50 gm. dark chocolate
20 gm. sugar
3/4 Tbsp. agar-agar powder
Ingredients for middle layer: Green part
200 ml. water
200 ml. thick coconut milk
50 gm. sugar
1/2 Tbsp. agar-agar powder
1/2 Tbsp. Pandan juice
a drop of pandan paste
some longans - chopped into pieces
Ingredients for Top layer: Blueberry part
200 ml. water
30 gm. sugar
3/4 tbsp. agar agar powder
150 gm. thick coconut milk
70 gm. blueberry filling
50 gm. cream cheese
(1) Boil all the ingredients for top layer - chocolate layer together until agar agar dissolves. Pour into a 6" square tray and let the agar agar set.
(2) Boil all the ingredients for middle layer - green part together until agar agar dissolves. Scratch the chocolate layer then pour the green layer on top. Let it set.
(3) Boil all the ingredients for top layer - blueberry part together until agar agar dissovles. Scratch the set agar agar with a fork and then pour the blueberry agar agar on top of the green layer. Let it set.
(4) Chill in the fridge and serve chilled
*This recipe is adapted from the book "Layered Cakes"
Hi Aunty Yochana,
I like your blog and your work. I am going to add your blog link to my blog. Indirecly your baking and blog inspire and encourage me as well.
Thank you very much.
Keep blogging & baking
Aunty Yo
Is it by Vickie Chieng too?
Yeah Irene,
I have left a footnote at the bottom of the recipe that this recipe is from the book "Layered Cakes".
Hi agnes,
Thanks for linking my blog to yours.
By the way, can you also leave your blog address here so that others can see your blog too.
Hi Yochana,
I like all yr baking. Can I hv yr email address?
Hi Aunty Yochana,
My blog is http://butanokakuni.wordpress.com.
I just started to learn how to use oven at 35 years old. So embarassing.
Hello Yochana,
Thank you for sharing your recipes. I am truly inspired and my admiration for your excellent effect in providing us all with your daily bakes.
Keep on baking and cheers once more.
Hi jennifer, my e-mail address is yochana2001@hotmail.com
Hi Agnes, it's never too late to learn. BTW, you're still young.
Hi dizzybutterful, thanks for your kind words.
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