Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Pictures of Swiss Rolls made by me (1):::

Sushi Swiss Roll

Spinach Swiss Roll

Pear Swiss Roll

Tea Pineapple swiss roll

Spring Onion Swiss Roll


Edith said...

hey i know you have more than these lovlies! show show..... coz all soooooo beautiful.

Aunty Yochana said...

I will edith....slowly lah...


Gracio said...

nice nice! yummy & lovely textures! They make me drool!

Anonymous said...

It looks so yummy. You are fantastic.

Anonymous said...

Lucy, Yes. I have seen so many of your swiss roll collections and they are all so lovely. You can just take any ingredient and turn them into something new, cannot find in the shops out there. Totally impressed.

Anonymous said...

huh? pic of swiss rolls made by u? u mean the rest was made by other ppl arh?

Anonymous said...'re torturing me with all the lovely Swiss Rolls...that's it .....I'm collecting Swiss Rolls recipes next ;-)

Regards from Cecily

Aunty Yochana said...

Hi anonymous,

all the things in my blog are made by me.....

Please reveal your name the next time you post. Thanks.


Aunty Yochana said...

Thanks Christina and Cecily,
