250 gm. butter
1 tsp. vanilla essence
250 gm. castor sugar
3 eggs
330 gm. self-raising flour
180 ml. milk
pink food colouring
2 tbsp. cocoa powder
2 Tbsp. milk - extra
(1) Beat butter, vanilla essence and sugar until light and fluffy.
(2) Add in eggs one at a time.
(3) Stir in flour and milk in two batches. Divide mixture into 3 portions.
(4) Blend sifted cocoa powder with extra milk and stir into one portion.
(5) Add pink colouring into another portion and leaving the third portion plain.
(6) Drop alternate spoonfuls of mixtures into an 8" round pan. Use a chopstick to pull backwards and forward through the mixture.
(7) Bake cake about 1 hour at 175C. Stand cake 5 mins. in pan then tun onto wire rack to cool.
I love the color on your marble cake! Makes it more appetising than the normal ones we get at the bakery.
Hi auntyyochana
The cake looks so nice! Do you think it's possible to use strawberry paste/emulco instead of pink colouring?
It is beautiful to have the three combinations of color. Can i reduce the flour for 30 gm and replaced it with 30 gm horlick?
Hi anonymous,
I've never tried using horlicks but that's very creative of you to use horlicks. I think it's not a problem cos it's only 30 gm.
HI anonymous,
Yes that's a very good choice. Use strawberry paste instead of pink colouring. It gives the cake a nice strawberry smell.
Hi Aunty Yochana,
Thanks for the marble cake recipe; I tried it yesterday to 'de-stress'. It was great. My problem was getting the swirly designs....mine turned out to be patches instead! Help?
Please keep on sharing your recipes! They're great for novice bakers like me!
hi sonicstarburts,
Scoop the batter on top of one another then take a chopstick to draw forward and backwards motion.
hi aunty,
I love the tri-colour marble cake. Just wondering what type of milk do u use? condense/evaporated/fresh milk/full cream....
Hi Natalie,
Just use UHT fresh milk.
OK aunty yochana.. thanks for ur reply.. will try it this weekend..
wish me luck!!
take care & have a nice day
Hi auntyyochana
Is there any ingredients that can replace the cocoa powder??
Eg, choc syrup or choc drinks powder?
Hi anonymous,
Use chocolate paste or melted chocolate or brown colouring. Chocolate drink is not suitable.
Not adding cocoa powder will not affect the taste of the cake?
If i am adding melted chocs, whats your advice for the amount?
Hi anonymous.
adding chocolate will be a good choice cos it gives the butter cake a lovely chocolatey taste and smell. Just melt some chocolate and stir in spoon by spoon and mix.
do u have to use the creamy method with this cake because i wanna do this cake for my skl project and i have to use the creamy method?
Hi anonymous,
I don't understand by the word "creamy" method. This method is the creaming method.
Hi auntyyochana,
I would like to know if you have any tips to make the cake more moist? or do you know why does the cake turns dry?
My sis tried this recipe but hers turn out little bit dry, and btw she use HL Milk...
Anyway can i use condense or evaporated milk?
does it make any different?
I prefer this cake to taste creamer & moist.
I'm going to bake this weekend for my family picnic..
Your reply is much appreciated..
Thank you in advance,
hi auntyyochana,
can i check with you, does Point No.(3)Stir in flour and milk using our hand or using the mixer?
Hi Natalie,
Use a spatula to fold in.
Hi siti,
Maybe you sister baked the cake too long hence the dryness. You can cut down the flour to 300 gm. instead. Condense milk might make the cake dense and a tad too sweet. You can use evaporated milk to make it creamier.
Hi auntyyochana,
thanks for your reply.. I've tried this marble cake & i really love it.. thank you again for sharing this recipes.. i've enclosed here the pic of my Marble Cake.. of course not as nice as urs.. but overall i'm really satisfy..
Thanks& kisses,
Hi Natalie,
Congrats....that marble cake is lovely. I like the red colour.
can i do without the eggs?
Hi aunty yochana,
I'm new in baking, wld like to try out this tri-colour marble cake, it looks yummy.
can I use top flour & baking powder, instead of self-raising flour (I've bought a packet of top flour)? if yes, how much top flour & baking powder to use?
Hi sunnie,
Just add in 1 tsp. Baking powder will do.
Thanks aunty yochana, will try out this weekend. Hope it turns out well :-)
Al Goguen, Victoria, B.C.
I was about 5 years old (74 yrs ago) when I saw magic happening in my aunt Maggie`s kitchen. My grandparents were there. One afternoon I was visiting with my mother, when an aunt and uncle and 2 cousins arrived unannounced of course, no phone then. We all sat in the big living room. After a while my aunt Maggie asked me to accompany her in the pantry where she made a tricolor cake. When baked she invited me to go with her to the well, near the house, and she turned the handle of a big roller, and a pail of fresh cream came up. She took some and with a fork in no time she had a frosting. She cut the cakes and
I helped to carry these magic pieces of cake to our guests. I had the recipe but lost it, happy to find yours which is delicious.
Thank you.
Hi AuntyYochana,
Found that your blog was totally amazing, lots of nice cakes and cookies that you have done there, i loved marble cake alot, but i was thinking, can i omit the pink colouring and just make it to normal marble cake? it should not be a big problem right?
Hi amy,
yes you can omit the pink colouring and just do two colours will do.
this would be my first time baking. for step (3)Stir in flour and milk, you said to use a spatula to fold in? would you mind explaining what does that mean?
thanks so much!
this would be my first time baking. For step (3) Stir in flour and milk, you said to use a spatula to fold in. would you mind explaining what does that mean?
thanks so much!
hi michelle,
just mix it the flour and milk either with a spatula or wooden spoon ...no problem with which either equipment you use
i'm new at baking so i don't really know what went wrong. i tried baking this cake yesterday and there were a lot of air bubbles. the cake seemed too soft as well because after i turned it over, it broke into half horizontally =(. the one i baked didnt look as smooth as yours. what do u think went wrong?
I think you creamed your butter and sugar too long.
Hi Aunty,
This cake taste wonderful but i m not able to cut it into small rectangular shapes to serve to my guest as it keeps breaking, any suggestion i can make it less brittle but still maintain that wonderful soft texture?
Hi Nadiana,
How come? I can slice mine perfectly well.
Your cake sounds crumbly tho..
your ingredients something wrong.
Hello again aunty,
Thanks for your reply.
I used full cream milk, the rest are the same ingredients as you posted. It wasn't crumbly,more like it was so soft that when i cut it and then carry it, it starts to break.
Appreciate your help.
I baked this last week and brought it to my office for morning tea. Everybody loved it. Thanks Aunty for sharing. Here are the pix. Of course they never did turn out as pretty as yours Aunty.
Thumbs up natasya.
Hi Aunty Yochana,
I want to try making this marble cake using ur recipe but i kinda have a qn. there are 3 portion of the batter ryte? U said spoon the batter on top of each other. Is it bit by bit or do i pour all of it of each batter?
And another thing,when i dip if the chopstick to make he swirl effect, do i dip the chopstick till it touches the bottom of do i just swirl from the top only?
Aim really sorry if im asking a ridiculous qns...just out of curiosity..thank you soo much aunty!
Your faithful fan..
Hi Shirin
You do it bit by bit till finished.
If you want the swirl just on top, use the chopstick to slightly swirl on top but if you like the swirl at the center too, go further down and swirl to the top.
hahaha..it's not a silly question. Sometimes it looks easy but when you swirl it, it looks horrible.
Hi Aunty Yochana,
It's me again. Guess what?? I did it!!! haha...i was soo happy; the cake's texture turn out to be very soft. but just one thing the swirling thingy: it looks a bit "lost" (if you get what i mean). Yours looks better tho. It tasted just right. Thank you soo much aunty!
Your faithful fan
Hi Shirin,
Hahaha...I did warn you about the swirling thing...anyway, keep practicing on the swirl and one day you will be able to swirl like a pro.
thumbs up anyway.
Hi, I tried the recipe this evening and while it was baking half way through, the surface cracked, why was that so?
Hi, I tried the recipe this evening and half way through the baking, the surface started to crack 8(
Why is this so?
Br, Gillian
Dear aunty yochana,
Thank you for sharing your recipes! I tried both your banana cake and marble cake. Both were delicious. However, by 40 min, they started cracking. So it didn't turn out as beautiful as your pictures. I've already poked holes 10min into the baking but it didn't help. Is there smthg I can do?
Hi Yochana,
Can I have this recipe for a 11" pan? I'm baking this for my coming Hari Raya on Monday.
Thank you for your help. I greatly appreciate.
I love this cake. It looks so nice!
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