Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Red Wine and Peppermint Snow Skin Mooncakes

fillings: Lotus Paste

Fillings: mango lotus paste

fillings: Blueberry lotus paste

Fillings: Red Wine Lotus Paste


ML said...

Wow Aunty! Looks so soft and chewy. Tempted. I saw the blueberry lotus paste in Kwang Tsiang Tai and almost wanted to buy it. But my girl prefers strawberry so I bought that instead :)

Btw, Aunty, what's the difference in using 1) warm water and 2) ice cold water in making the snow skin? Bec I realised some recipes uses (1) while most uses (2).

I also saw Snow Powder which some people use for snow skin. What is it and what's the purpose?

Mui Mui

Anonymous said...

Aunty, do you sell mooncakes? I want to buy! hee. and i'm going perth this sunday, do you have anything to pass to Joanne?


Anonymous said...

oh it look nice!...
able to share the receipe? thnks
