Sunday, August 16, 2009

Hainanese Butter Cake for Mum


Anonymous said...

Hi Aunty

May I know the difference between normal butter cake and hainanese butter cake? I'm a hainanese too, haha..


Anonymous said...

Hi Yochana,

I just bought a new Kitchen-aid. Need your advise, when we cream butter & sugar what speed should we set? What speed for egg white? Please advise. Thanks


Anonymous said...

Hi Aunty,

Ya...same question as Kate. Is there a diff? I'm hainanese mai too :O


shaila lee said...

lucy wish your mum happy birtyday on my behalf and i wish her good health and happiness always

AO said...

nice plain sponge cake

Aunty Yochana said...

hi Kate

all butter cakes are almost the same lah...just add in the word Hainanese.

It's funny ...the hainanese butter cake is really very wonderful. I remembered when I used to vist my grandma who lives in Rengam Johor. There's this coffee shop called "Jong Suan"..oh wow...I love their butter cakes and as a little kid, I used to offer free help by placing cakes into the boxes. Unforgettable...



Aunty Yochana said...

Woah's not my mum's birthday lah. Somebody ordred a butter cake for her mom.

Hahaha...have a nice week Shaila.


Aunty Yochana said...

Hi marie

Use speed 4 for creaming butter and sugar. Egg white maximum speed.


corine said...

Hi Yochana,

Need your advise.
My sponge cake n butter cake after invert n cool on tray,when i turn over,the surface layer will peel out abit,why? your look so nice......


Aunty Yochana said...

Hi Corine,

it could be due to your mixing or your must be too cold.


Anonymous said...

Dear Aunty Yochana, would it be possible for you to email me this recipe? i'd love to compare it with my recipe for hainanese butter cake handed down from my grandmother. i also would like to if you bake in an air-conditioned kitchen? i'm wondering how you get your frostings to hold up in singapore's hot and humid weather. thanks so much.

May Chan

Anonymous said...

hi aunty

ur butter cake look nice n can i have the recipe pls

liza jb

Anonymous said...

Hi! Aunty Yochana,

I received a mail from Creative Home Baking on the workshop of Hainanese Butter Cake & Swiss Roll, I never come across this blog before and so far I only give a few parties including yrself my e-mail address. Not sure whether do you know the trainer of this blog?
Christina Poh

Aunty Yochana said...

Hi Christina Poh

Oh happened to my other fans too. They leave their email address here and she contacted them by getting their email address from my blog. I've asked her not to do that again but seems that she did it again.'s funny, she and me is the other way round.

Just ignore her lah if you don't want to attend her class. I don't know how good she is so I cannot comment. REst assured that i do not simply pass email addresses to others.

So sorry once again.


Anonymous said...

Hi! Aunty Yochana,

It's Ok don't feel sorry about it, cos it never cross my mind that others can simply get our e-mail contact fm the blog.

Just send an e-mail to you about some baking question. Hope to hear from you soon.

Thanks & Have A Nice Day!
Christina Poh

Anonymous said...

Hi I am also a hainanese and i love the butter cake at Chin Mee Chin

Can you email me your recipe pls

Anonymous said...

Hi Yochana,

This sponge like butter cake is one I've been dying for. Can you send me the recipe, pls? Thank you.

My email is