Wednesday, August 12, 2009

American Chocolate Cake


CaThY said...

Hi aunty, may I ask why is this cake call American chocolate cake? It looks really nice. Can you kindly share the recipe? *^_^*

Ange said...

Woah! Aunty, your american chocolate cake looks wonderful. Can share the recipe?

Anonymous said...

hi Aunty can share the recipe pls?

Shim said...

Hello aunty,

Your american chocolate cake look yummy. Can you kindly share the recipe?

Thy Thy said...

It looks so tempting, could you please provide the recipe?

delia said...

Hi aunty,
how are you? it's been quite long since i left any comments but i never fail to surf your blog every day. my dad loves american chocolate cake. would you please share this recipe? tq

Anonymous said...

Hi! Aunty Yochana,

Such a yummy chocolate cake mind sharing the recipe with us?
Christina Poh

SSK said...


My sister likes chocolate cake and your American chocolate cake looks so good. I like to bake this for her birthday. Mind sharing the recipe with me?

My email is

applemint_jackie said...

aunty, cant wait for the recipe..