Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Bikini Cookies


Amelia said...

Hi, Lucy How are you? Long time no see.
Wow, the cookies is so sweet and cute.

Regards N take care

Stef said...

so cute I love it!

I should order this for my friend's birthday man!
i'll email you... =)

Anonymous said...

Dear Aunty Yochana...look at your creative artwork. It's awesome! Love to learn from you. Do you conduct baking class? Am really really interested to learn from the lady who loves baking. Pls email me at Thanks much!

Anonymous said...

hi Aunty,

can i wear when i go to the beach. It's summer time.( I' just kidding)


Aunty Yochana said...

Hi Amelia

Long time no see, short time no talk.

I hope everything is fine with you. I'm o.k. over here.


Aunty Yochana said...

Hi Mala,

If you dare to wear bikini, I will send one over to you by FEDEX.


Mabel said...

Aunty, May I know how long Can A cookie with Fondant topping last?

Will the fondant topping makes the cookies soften "Faster" than normal?
This Question is always in my mind but I have no one in asking

jo said...

reminds me so much of this song: it was an itsy bitsy teeny weeny yellow polka dot bikini!