Friday, May 08, 2009

Scholar Walnut Pastry

Recipe from: Do What I Like (Florence)


muffin lover said...

hi aunty can u pls tell me where did you buy the pincher from. the design looks like walnut. thank you

airenchan said...

Hi, Aunty Yo,
The walnut pastries are very nicely done. I know u didn't use the browning essence/Parisian Sauce as they are sometime known as (it is actually a caramelized colouring, no flavour). You can substitute it with the famous ketchup Manis of our South East Asian browning sauce, but I think only half the amount required will be needed or maybe even a quarter will do because our ketchup manis is much thicker than theirs; the sweet one from Indonesia would be better. Maybe it ends up tasting better, who knows. Don't be mad at me, I'm not trying to be funny. Just a suggestion for substitute. Most of the food that we eat are invented by accidents. Oh! when I was young they made wholemeal bread with a dash of ketchup manis, to give the bread the rye colour. See.

Aunty Yochana said...

Hi muffin lover

you can get the pincer from Sun Lik.


Aunty Yochana said...

Hi airenchan

Thanks for your tips...


muffin lover said...

thank you very much and have a nice weekend