Thursday, May 07, 2009

Peanut Butter Cream Macarons


Anonymous said...

I am in desperate help. My aunt is a terminal cancer patient. She told me that she has been craving for Butter cake and Banana cake. I am a beginner baker and would like to make her happy during her last days while she still can eat.I would like to bake some Butter cupcakes as well as Banana cupcakes for her. Do you have recipes & pointers that you can teach me so that I can do them for her soon? She is a diabetic too so sugar content will have to be lower in the recipe too.Hope to hear from you via email soon & kindly Do Not publish this msg in public. Thank U
email -

Ube said...

Your baking skills and talents are so broad encompassing a wide-range of baked goods from European and Western provenance to its Eastern roots. To me, you are my profile of inspiration.

lomri said...

When will there b another class for macaroons?

Aunty Yochana said...

Hi Serene,

browse through my cake index...


Aunty Yochana said...

hi lomri,

you can email me at :

Jeannie said...

Hi Lucy,

I miss you, too, teacher :)
It seems such a long time since I last attended your baking class.
I can just imagine the yummy taste of your peanut butter cream sedap!
Here's wishing you and all mothers a very Happy Mother's Day! Have a great day bonding with the family.

Aunty Yochana said...

Hi jeannie

Happy Mother's Day to you too.
