Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Honeycomb Cake


Anonymous said...

looks delicious...could you please post the recipe?Is it chewy or crunchy?

Anabela martins said...


The look is delicious , nham, nahm.

anabela - Portugal

Pudgy Mummy said...

Hi Aunty Yochana

The honeycomb cake looks great! Can you please share the recipe? Thanks.

ⓁⒺⓌⒾⓈ said...

Hello Aunty Yochana, I've read some of your previous posts, interested on the Tiramisu with Strawberries...
Can I have the recipe of it? =)
If possible, mail it to
Really appreciate it! =)

Joy's mummy said...

The holes look good!

sue said...

Hello, Aunty Yo, I've always wanted to try making this cake, but have yet to come across the right recipe. I've seen some recipes that calls for condensed milk. Does your recipe have condensed milk too? Is it okay to use honey instead of condensed milk? Aunty Yo, please may I have your recipe, please....e-mail address is

Thank you so much,


Anonymous said...

Lucy, is this an Indonesian kueh called Ambon. Can you kindly post the recipe.

Appreciate it and thanks so much.

azza said...

Hello Aunty,
Your honeycomb cake so beautiful and very tempting!! When are you going to share the recipe with us?

cherry potato said...

Your honeycomb cake look very nice oh!!Got beautiful honeycomb effect.

lyn said...

Hi Aunty Yochana

I adore honeycomb cake.I tried many some r either dry or oily.Bt ur cake look great.Pls cn u share d recipe? tks :D

donna said...

Aunty Yochana,

The honeycomb cake and portuguese egg tarts looked yummy. Would be glad if you could share with me your lovely recipes.



Pooh Shim said...

Hi Aunty,

I have been looking for honeycomb cake recipe to try. Can you please share the reicpe with me? Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Aunty Yochana this looks wonderful!!!

sue said...

Hi, Aunty Yochana, it's me again, Sue, may I please have this recipe? Did I mentioned something that have offended you in my previous comments? I sincerely apologized if I did. :-)


Anonymous said...

Hi Aunty,

Your honeycomb cake look lovely. Can you share the recipe please?

Anonymous said...

Dear Aunty Yochana, your cake looks the best. I have been looking for cake ideas for my dad's birthday. He prefers traditional kuehs to english/french pastry. I think this ambon cake is perfect.Would you mind helping me out by sharing this recipe? you can send it to Thanks a lot:)

Sam said...

Honeycomb cake looks wonderful! This does sound delicious. Can you please share the recipe.

Carolicious said...

OMG i want to have a piece please..
could i please have the recipe?
my email:

Anonymous said...

One of the most beautiful cakes that I have ever seen. Congratulations. I wonder if the recipe will ever become available? Perhaps the maker of this cake is making/has made a cookbook with this beautiful cake?. I know, I would pay to know what the recipe is and attempt to make it.

PST said...

This is one of the most difficult cakes to make and you definitely aced it. Any special techniques applied to get more combs? I would love to have the recipe too