Saturday, March 21, 2009

Spiral Coconut Curry Puffs


Anonymous said...

I love spiral curry puffs but the problem comes during deep frying process ~ The filling just "Leak" from the spiral "Layered" skin and i've to throw everything away. I wonder why?? Even i;ve freeze the puff ahead, the same problem still happen....

Aunty Yochana said...

hi Leo

the spiral are not tight enough and probably the recipe or the shortening you used is too oily.


Anonymous said...

Aunty, this is the recipe i used:
Water Dough:
300g flour
120g margarine
150ml iced water

Oil Dough:
200g flour
120g shortening
1/2tsp salt.

Kindly advice, thank you

Aunty Yochana said...

Hi Leo

for water dough, your margarine is too much. Try cutting down to 60 gm instead.


Anonymous said...

Thanks aunty ! I'll give it a try..

juliet khoo said...

Dear Aunty,

Can i have the recipe for this pastry. My email address is
Thank you.