Saturday, March 14, 2009

Boy Girl Macarons

These are for a group of 15 couples who are going for a trip...Enjoy!!!!


Lilee Ng said...

Lucy, these are so gorgeous looking! Really must find time to make the macaroons and hope they will be as good as what you taught us! Did u use white chocolate for the cartoon? Thumbs up again! Cindy

Anonymous said...

these macaroons look so cute n adorable. I am about to get some ideas for my niece's 6th bday next weekend. Can u please share me this recipe, if u dont mind. pls email to

Nancymommy said...

too cute to eat la...

Nancymommy said...

too cute to eat la...

Anonymous said...

Hi Lucy,
How come my picture is not on the macarons? Haven't update me on any forthcoming classes ya? Do keep me posted. Bye. Nur

Anonymous said...

Hi aunty,
Very nice! Pls conduct lesson for this, I hope to make for my daughter's birthday party in early may. Looking forward to see u in person. Regards.

Anonymous said...

Hi Aunty,

I wrote you sometime ago about your macaroons and I understand that you do deliver your goods to as far as Indonesia. So how about delivering them to Ipoh? I'm sure they won't get rancid so quickly....yum yum


Anonymous said...

Aunty Yochana,

I forgot to mention here just how lovely your macaroons are truly gifted!!


Wen said...

Hi Aunty Yochana,

It's so sweet and pretty! You are so creative.


dt said...

wow~~~these definitely look cute

Pudgy Mummy said...

So pretty!

Anonymous said...

Wow, these are gorgeous!!!

Anonymous said...

what's on the topping aunty?

Anonymous said...

wow!! aunty so beautiful creation.i love it so much. aunty maybe can give me ur email address. i want to join ur macaroon class if available. thks rgds siti fatimah

Anonymous said...

hi aunty yochana,
i,m your new fan. d photos u put, never fail to make me drool. i wish i could bake like u. your macaroons look veeery..........delicious.if u have any class could u email me?

Aunty Yochana said...

hi Yoo Lee

It's chocolate.


Edith said...

Lucy, these are really cute and interesting. Love the idea.

Xuelisha said...

hello.. can you mail me your up coming class for macaroons and any other baking class?
thankyou : )

Anonymous said...

Hi Aunty,
I bought the silpat mat but it is abit too big for my oven.Can i cut the mat into half?

Anonymous said...

Aunty, they are the most adorable things I've ever seen. You are so innovative and patient.

Anonymous said...

should I keep the macarons in the freezer or in the chiller section after spreading with fillings? Will it feel sticky after taken out from the fridge to thaw? can I keep the baked macarons without fillings in a container and placed at room temperature?


Anonymous said...

Hi aunty,

what flavours are they? chocolate and raspberry isit? (: do you make macarons for any flavours?


Anonymous said...

Aunty Lucy,

wah....this time you've really outdone yourself liao. Very very very beautiful!!!! Hee hee, if my godson's mum saw these she'll want them for my godson's birthday. Thank God his birthday just past (it was on mon!)

rebecca :)

Aunty Yochana said...

Hi Joanna

Yes it's chocolate and raspberry.


Aunty Yochana said...

hi rebecca,

it's quite fun decorating tho...

since you like to make the shells, you can start decorating liao.


Aunty Yochana said...

hi May,

with fillings, store in the fridge. If without fillings, store it in the container , you can either leave it in room temp for not more than 3 days or keep it longer in the fridge.


Aunty Yochana said...

Hi Peelian,

yes, you can cut into half.


Aunty Yochana said...

thanks Wendy...


Aunty Yochana said...

hi Swenmarc

That was because someone went to Jakarta. If someone goes to Ipoh, we can do the same.


Aunty Yochana said...

hi lleen,

pls email me at:


Aunty Yochana said...

Hi Nur

I didn't know you're interested in macarons.


Aunty Yochana said...

Hi cindy

yes..I used the ground almonds recipe for this and then pipe chocolate on top.


Ee said...

hi auntie Yochana,
the macaroons look soooooo sweet.
I'm going back to S'pore end of this yr, will contact u n hopefully can have lessons with u. can't wait~~~~
thanks again for the inspirations!!!


Big Boys Oven said...

Aunty Yochana, this is awesomely gorgeous, your imagination truly running wild! co cool! belinde requested us to have a look on ur website, so cool!

ML said...

Hi Aunty,

How are you? Very nicely done up macarons! I was so tempted by your masterpiece that I couldn't resist trying out last night the chocolate macaron in your recipe collection. But mine turned out to be like brownies. Cracks on the surface, no feet but chewy texture. What could have gone wrong? I would love to attend your macaron class if I can afford the time, but not now when baby still young. :(

Mui Mui

Aunty Yochana said...

Hi Big Boys Oven

I've received the email from Belinda and she enjoyed your class so much...Thumbs up!!!

Yeah...I'm running wild on my designs on the macarons .


Aunty Yochana said...

No problem Ee..


Anonymous said...

Hi aunty yochana,
I am interest in macarons class, my email

Anonymous said...

Hi Aunty! How did you get your macaroons to have such smooth tops? I would really love it if you could share your recipe! I'm having a difficult time finding good macaroon recipes! Thank you so much!


Cookie said...


You never fail to amaze me with your beautiful macaron!


Anonymous said...

Hi Aunty Yochana
Beautiful Macarons!!!!
I am interested to join your Macarons Class. My email address is

Thanks & Regards

Aunty Yochana said...

hi Christene

So sorry...I'm teaching this so not able to post it.


Anonymous said...

Aunty ,You r so creative.When u back fr OZ don't forget email me ur next baking class.I am really enjoy ur class.thx

Jenny (

Anonymous said...

hello aunty yochana,

im interested in joining your macaron class. may I please have the details for it. thank u very much


Sharon said...

Hi Aunty Yochana,

I luv yr macarons at the first sight! Luv to learn to make it. Pls include me in yr next class please.... My email address -

Anonymous said...

Aunty Yo, these are so adorable! Too pretty to eat them.

Anonymous said...

wow! those really look lovely... i've tried many times but my macarons always turn out "burst" on top or crack on you know the reason why? hmm... anyway, im very interested in any of your classes.... so pls do email me k...

Aunty Yochana said...

Hi Nagina

Please email me :



Aunty Yochana said...

Hi Jenny,

No problem...I will email u.


Unknown said...

hi aunty yochana

these macaroons r truly lovely! i m sure they must have left a lasting impression on the 15 blessed couples! :)
aunty, i emailed to u once & expressed my wish to attend ur baking class, so pls remember to email me when u hold ur next class at

thks for inspiring us with ur creative bakes. hv a gd trip! :)


Anonymous said...

hi aunty yochana

these macaroons r truly lovely. i m sure they must have left a lasting impression on the 15 blessed couples.

aunty, i emailed to u once & expressed my wish to attend ur baking class. can u pls email to me at when u hv ur next class.

thks aunty for inspiring us with ur creative bakes. hv a good trip!


Anonymous said...

Hello Aunty,

Could you teach me the secrets of macaroon making if you're ever in Sydney for a holiday ??? I'd really appreciate a visit from you!!! (and maybe figure out maybe it's my oven playing up! hahaha!)


Anonymous said...

hi the macarons are so cute looking! Could your please share with me this recipe? my email is

Thank so much..
I love to see your bakings..

Anonymous said...

i was one of them who received the yummy treat, very tasty and understand you have baking classes. Hope to attend a baking class with my family with you during school hol

Aunty Yochana said...

hi anonymous you managed to eat them huh..

yes I do teach, just email me:


Anonymous said...


I'm wondering whether you still conduct lessons for macaroon making? Would love to make pretty macarons like yours! :)

Please drop me a mail at

Thanks! :)

Angie said...

Your creation is simply amazing, could you please include me in your next class of macarons. My email address is
Thanks! angie