Sunday, March 15, 2009

Beetroot Cheesecake


Anonymous said...

This looks very nice, I like to know more about the classes you conducted, can you email me @

Big Boys Oven said...

beetroot . . . .i wonder how it would taste on a cheesecake?

Zue Murphy said...

I like beetroot roasted and just slices in my salad. I never thought that it can turn into cheesecake. This must taste good.

Anonymous said...

hi aunty,
Beetroot & cheese nice creation.
is this recipe list in your course schedule? pls keep me infrom of your next course details,Thanks in advance.

Anonymous said...

Hi Aunty Yochana

i am new to your blog but very impressed and amazed at the first sight. May i know more about the classes you conduct. My email addr


Anonymous said...

Hi Aunty Yochana:
Your idea of using different ingredient is so impressive. Beetroot cheesecake sound interesting, could you email me the recipe please:

Anonymous said...

beetroot cake is so well known in north america under the name RED VELVET CAKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!