Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Vegetable Mousse Tofu Mousse Cake


Anonymous said...

Wow, each layer looks really tempting. Is it really made from vegetable? What kind of veg?
Does it taste sweet or savoury/salty?


Anonymous said...

Oh, this is so unique and looks colourful! Is it really made of toufu?

Kitti said...

Wow! This looks amazing! How does one make vegetable mousse? And are the layers actually tofu? where would i find a recipe for this? <3

Anonymous said...

Mmmmmmmmmmm...............I want the recipe.

Anonymous said...

tofu mousse cake aunty? sounds interesting and also looking good! I was wondering, how many cook books you have aunty??

Anonymous said...

Hi Aunty,

This is very interesting and special. The yellow, red and black layers are made of vegetables? Wonder what are they....

Anonymous said...

Hello Aunty,I love the beautiful play on colours.Could you share the flavours of the various clours please?
Belated New Year wishes to you and your family.

Anonymous said...

Hi Yochana, I have been going to your blog and copied, tried some of the cakes. For the recent one, where can I find the recipe in the blog. No matter what, really appreciate the recipe that you shared with us in the net.

Melatee Amir

Anonymous said...

Hi aunty, what vege did you use?

Aunty Yochana said...

hi theswit

I used tomatoes..


Stacy said...

Please could you post the recipe for this or email it to me? Thanks! :)