Monday, February 09, 2009

Steam Yam Cake


  1. look so delicious..aunty is it hard to make a yam cake? because i really love yam cake but i actually donno where to find it in kedah,previously when i was studied in malacca, i always bought yam cake at the night market, at the baba nyonya stall,i love it soo much,can you please teach me how to do it? tq

  2. look so delicious..aunty is it hard to make a yam cake? because i really love yam cake but i actually donno where to find it in kedah,previously when i was studied in malacca, i always bought yam cake at the night market, at the baba nyonya stall,i love it soo much,can you please teach me how to do it? tq

  3. Hi aunty,
    Look so yummy...wish to learn this recipe from you when you've conduct class with this. Thanks..

  4. hi masmaira

    I have the recipe in my blog. Search under history.


  5. hai aunty, i found the recipe already, thank you very much but, may i know what is vetsin? then i can't eat pork, so what can i replace for that? is it ok if i replace it with chicken? then can i know what is chinese sausage? sorry for having so much question, but i really want to make yam cake. thanks


  6. hi masmaira

    yes you can replace with chicken. Omit the chinese sausage, it's a preserved pork in a plastic tube.

    vetsin is aji-no-motto - mono sodium glutamate.


  7. Hi Aunty Yochana,

    I'm sure you received many such questions previously. I went to different supermarkets but just could not find wheat flour.

    Is it the same as Semolina Flour?
