Saturday, February 07, 2009

Macau Portuguese Egg Tarts

This little quaint shop caught my eyes as I went searching for breakfast in Senando Square....
Packed and brought back 3 boxes of portuguese egg tarts and flew back the next day. Oven baked (cannot microwave) for 10 mins. and it's still so crispy and delicious again. Was told by the lady , Ah Mei that it can last for at least 5 days.

I regretted not snapping a photo of the street that sells Almond cakes and jerky pork at Senando Square area. I felt like a child in the street with all those free tasting of almond cakes, green bean cakes, pork floss almond cakes, peanut candies, ginger candies, barbecue pork,etc, etc. You'll definitely be spoilt for choice here. You have to make your choice at this jucture, whether to buy from Koi Kei Bakery, Choi Heung Yuen, loi kei,etc etc etc...


  1. Hi Aunty,

    I can see you were in food lover's paradise ;) Your pics tempted me to visit macau and revisit HK (even though I've been to the latter 4 times). Hee....but must first pray to have your kind of high mentabolic rate.


  2. Hi rebecca

    no worries lah...after the hours and hours of walking and shopping, everything has dissolved. Food is good, shopping is good, Zuhai is so near and good shopping there too.


  3. hi Aunty,

    Have you tried Lord Stow's version?
    If yes, wonder how are these egg tarts compared to Lord Stow?


  4. Hi Fei fei

    actually I wanted to go to Margaret's care and Lord Stow but no time. I tried the Koi kei's and another portugeuese cafe , it still lose out to this small little quaint shop because it's not so sweet and the pastry is really crispy.


  5. Wahh..You made me drool looking at this. Dear Aunty, do you know of a good place in Singapore that sells good Portugese Tarts? Or perhaps, have you tried making it before? :)

    I cannot fly this year lah. My ba zi said cannot fly. (I know it sounded a lil silly, but i prefer to be safe than sorry)

  6. hi Portuguese tart lover

    Yes I know I make you drool. I've tried making the tarts but not so perfect. The pastry turns soggy after a couple of hours.
    The portuguese egg tarts in Singapore is not delicious at all so I don't have any recommendations. If you have a friend going to Macau, ask them to buy some for you. They can last.


  7. Hi, Aunty Yochana

    My 1st visit here. Your pictures of portugeuese egg tarts remind me a lot of my last trip to Macau years ago. We queued for almost 20 minutes at Margaret's care under windy and cloudy winter, just for really fresh egg tarts, LOL. But those were the best portugeuese egg tarts we ever had although our noses turned pretty red and we were freezing, hehe..

  8. hi chumpman

    How the egg tarts from Margaret's Cafe?
    I'm curious...


  9. It was actually no big difference compared with the others or even those I had in HK but it tasted super good by the time being when it's definately fresh from the oven and besides, we were freezing you know, LOL !

  10. hi chumpman

    oh gosh was it that cold? It was about 16C when I was there recently unlike Korea, it was -12C . My nose didn't turn red in Korea but it harden into a hard cold stone and when I go a slightly warmer place, water trickled from my nose without my knowledge cos my nose was numbed at that time. How embarassing!!!!\

