Thursday, February 19, 2009

Devil's Food Cake

Used: Devil's Food Cake, covered with Buttercream base and Buttercream Roses..


Anonymous said...

wow the roses are so neat!

Zue Murphy said...

Pretty cake! Doesn't look like devil at all. :-)

ann low said...

Hello Aunty

the cake is really pretty to look at, can I have the butter cream recipe??

ann low said...

Hello Aunty

The cake is really pretty to look at, can I have the butter cream recipe?

Aunty Yochana said...

haha Zue,

you're so funny.


Aunty Yochana said...

Hi Anncoo

the butter cream recipe is already in my blog.


Anonymous said...

wahhhh....very beautiful aunty.

Anonymous said...

oh, it soooo pretty!


Anonymous said...

Oh, this cake looks wonderfully sweet! Too sweet to be eaten!

Ee said...

hi aunty,
this is just too lovely!!
was it hard to make the roses?


Anonymous said...

absolutely gorgeous cake!

Anonymous said...

Wow, this is so pretty and romantic... how many layers are there? it looks so tall and grand....
beautiful work, Aunty

Anonymous said...

wow, so beautiful...i also want to try your buttercream...

Anonymous said...

Hi Aunty Yo

Lovely roses.... so sweet.


Anonymous said...

Hi aunty,

I loveeeeeeee the pretty cake. It is too pretty to be eaten.


Family First said...

This is one of the prettiest cake that I have seen in a long long time.

Anonymous said...

my, my, this is beautiful...

Anonymous said...

so nice...perfect!!!-phia

Aunty Yochana said...

Thanks everyone for the compliments.

Anita, I used 2 layers of Devil's Food cake.


Aunty Yochana said...

Hi Ee,

It's not easy to make roses with buttercream but it's very very easy to do with royal icing.


Anonymous said...

Good Afternoon Aunt Yo,

This is so beautiful. I love it so much. I believe whoever is going to recieve this cake is going to be very touch.

You are the Cake Godness.

Warm regards,

Anonymous said...

Hi Aunt Yo,

After leaving my 1st comment to you and return to the main page and saw your rose cake. I just just cant stop praising you leh with another comment.

This is really the most beautiful cake I have ever come across. Is really very very nice.

I wish I can do this cake for my girl (6 yr old) birthday in Aug. Can you help me by teaching me.:-)

Warm regards,

Aunty Yochana said...

Hi Jacqueline

This was actually for my best friend who turned 51...

Don't you think this cake is too old for a 6 yr old? hahaha..I thought she should go for some cartoon figurines.


Happy Flour said...

Hi Aunty,

Aiyo...this is really very pretty. Must salute to your good patient, piping all those roses.:)

Anonymous said...

Hi Aunty,

I'm interested in jonining ur classes. could you keep be posted?


Thanks so much! :)

Yan said...

Aunty :

not only is this a gorgeously pinky rosy cake which just sends me going "wow" "wah" kudos !!!!!!!

it is the prettiest i've come across so far.... those bakeries out there should start learning from u too...


Aunty Yochana said...

Hi yan,

you made my day...thanks for your compliments.


FA said...

hi aunty, do u use the cone waffle as a base to make the roses?

Aunty Yochana said...

Hi FA,

I did not use any wafer to make the base. It's completely buttercream.


Anonymous said...

Hi Aunt Yo,

You are right. Rose indeed are too old for a 6 year old girl girl. But I believe which ever age the girl, when they see this beautiful hand make rose, it will melt their hearts. :-)

Aunt Yo you are so sweet to creat this cake for your friend, I wish 1day I can receive this cake from a friend too.

And Aunt Yo friend, you are so lucky to have a friend like Aunt Yo. She is a friend that hard to come by.

Warm regards,

Aunty Yochana said...

Hi Jacqueline

Don't worry....everyone on earth is my friend and so are u.

Have a nice day.


Anonymous said...

Good Morning Aunt Yo,

Is your Macaroon class still available. Can you email me the detail to Thank you.

Warm regards,