Tuesday, February 24, 2009



Anonymous said...

Good evening aunty!
What a beautiful cake. Is that sponge cake, the red-white layer?

ann low said...

Hello Aunty,

another pretty cake, am really impressed! Is this a strawberry mousse or what??

Aunty Yochana said...

Hi Anncoo,

It's raspberry mousse cake.


Aunty Yochana said...

Hi Fanny,

That's Madeleine cake.


ann low said...

Hello Aunty,
Can I have the raspberry mousse recipe.

thank you again!

Anonymous said...

Beautifully and spectacular!!!!

Anonymous said...

VERY NICE! I want i want! hee.


Anonymous said...

Absolutely beautiful.

风行 *//Francine//* said...

Oh, this is just soo ooo yummy !! :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Auntie,

I am an avid fan of your blog and in fact have successfully tried out some of your recipes. Thank you for sharing. I have a question on your recent post on the pandan chendol layer kuih. I tried it and unfortunately the pandan layer is very soft and will not set even though I steamed it longer. Can you check to see if the tapioca flour portion is correct as it seems low compared to the cendol portion. Thanks in advance. Also I am interested in your classes and would like to be in your distribution list. My email is rosa_6062@yahoo.com.

Beginner's Luck

Anonymous said...

i wonder how to make these layer so beautiful aunty

Anonymous said...

Such pretty colors... how is the striped pattern created? is it by piping method? you mentioned this is Madeleine cake, is that like the cookie?? wish I can make this for our next family birthday....Anita

Aunty Yochana said...

Hi Anita,

I used an equipment to move the paste then place the sponge cake on top, then bake.

As for the madeleine cake, it's just like those small madeleine cakes that are sold , just that I baked into a cake and slice.


Aunty Yochana said...

Hi Anita,

I used an equipment to move the paste then place the sponge cake on top, then bake.

As for the madeleine cake, it's just like those small madeleine cakes that are sold , just that I baked into a cake and slice.
