Monday, January 26, 2009

Layered Chocolate Mud Cake


Anonymous said...

Happy Chinese New Year Aunty! My...this layered chocolate cake sure look moist and delicious. :))

Anonymous said...

Kong Hei Fatt Choy to you and family. Ur layered chocolate mud cake really looks mouth watery.

Anonymous said...

I LOVE THIS AUNTY! I ate 4 at one go. so yummy! =) Thanks for your delicious bakes and food today. =)

Once again, happy new year!


Aunty Yochana said...

Hi cui,

You need to eat more ...


HomeKreation said...

Is this my recipe?

Aunty Yochana said...

Hahaha Roz,

You usher me to your blog...*wink*..and I saw your recipe. Yes it's your recipe.

Thumbs up and thank you.


CheezyHeart said...

Hi Aunty,
The Sekaya use in this recipe by HomeKreation, is it what we call kaya in Singapore? thks.

CheezyHeart said...

Hi Aunty,
The Sekaya use in this recipe by HomeKreation, is it what we call kaya in Singapore? thks.

Aunty Yochana said...

Yes Chezzyheart...

it's kaya.


CheezyHeart said...

Thanks aunty for ur reply =)

Jamie said...

Dear Aunty,

May i know the chocolate portion, can be bake at one go instead of baking at layer by layer.

Thank you for your advice.

Best Regard