Tuesday, January 20, 2009



Anonymous said...

do you know where to buy thermometers for tempering chocolate? thanks so much! :)

Forever Friend said...

Aunty, your lapis is so nice! Sigh, I just tried mine last weekend, but failed. The layers in between seems uncooked. Is it because of my grilling?

Anonymous said...

can share recipe?

Anonymous said...

Hi Aunty ,

Wow ! Really like your lapis , so nicely done ! Can you kindly give me your recipe , my email drago9966@gmail.com. Thank you!!

Anonymous said...

hi aunty,may i know if can take lesson with you about bakering,(sorry for mistake i speak english a little),i want to learn with my favourite baker,can you email me price of lesson,please aunty it's a dream for me.(tountoune@orange.fr)

Anonymous said...

Hi Miss Yochana
Your lapis is so nicely baked. I have tried 2 recipes before but it was always the last layer "collapsed"(turned oily) , end up I got to throw them away. I would be glad if you could share your recipe, tot of baking it again on tis eve of CNY. My email is : foo_yvonne@yahoo.com. Tks & with regards - Yvonne

Anonymous said...

Hi aunty, my lapis turns out very oily too.. is it because i didn't bake it long enough or too much butter? I added about 350g of butter for the standard 9inch pan..

Aunty Yochana said...

Hi Kelly,

I guess your need to practice on how to grill and bake a Lapis. If you add too much flour to your batter, your lapis will be dry but it becomes hard and dry also. You have to learn to control your temp.


Anonymous said...

Yummy.. is this to welcome me back?

Unknown said...

Hi aunty yochana,

I was so impressed by all your baked products. And for your lapis, it is so nicely done. I would be happy and glad if you could share your recipe. I wish to bake it this week for my grandmother's birthday. She loves lapis cake. My email is hester142@gmail.com. Thank you very much.
