Saturday, January 17, 2009

Hainanese Ah Ko Fruit Cake


Anonymous said...

hi Aunt

Would really love this receipe as a Hainese i did not know we have a Fruit Cake Receipe too.. Hope you can email ma at vlin Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Ah Mai,

How your like this Ah Ko Fruit Cake ?

Very nicely done *wink*

Anonymous said...

Hello yo, would like to ask you why is it call ah ko fruit cake. Its really lovely

Aunty Yochana said...

hainanese ah ko...

ah ko means brother...the baker is a guy, so we called him ah ko and ladies are normally called 'ah mai' like what BK said.


Little Corner of Mine said...

Looks really good! I didn't get to eat any fruit cake this year. :(

Aunty Yochana said... sad Litte Corner of Mine. Wish I can throw over to you.


Anonymous said...

Ah Mai,

Hope you could email me the recipe @ leescr55@gmail. Thank you very much & a Happy Prosperous CNY.

..a fellow Hainanese

donna said...

Ah Mai

Can you email me the Hainanese Ah Ko fruit cake. My mother in law who's longing for your Ee Puah recipe would definitely be delighted to receive this one as well. Kong Hee Huat Cai

Anonymous said...


You can buy "Ee Puah" at Purvis Street. It's the coffee shop called "Hainan 2nd Street" Cafe (or something like that). It's sold by the stall that sells the mixed rice.

It's very good. Just like how I loved it when I was young :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Aunty,

The cake looks very rich and moist. I never taste Hainan fruitcake before, wonder what's the difference.

Can you share the recipe?

Happy CNY to you and your family!

Aunty Yochana said...

Hi Let's masak.

this fruit is very peculiar.

it has jackfruit and pineapples inside.


Patricia said...

My o my auntie...i love fruit cake, any type of to share the recipe plse. My email

Lim H said...

Look juices...may I have the recipe? does it used boiled fruited cake method? My email:
Thank you!

curiositykills said...

hello, can i request for this recipe as well? thanks

many thanks