Sunday, December 21, 2008

Durian Roll


Carrie said...

Hi Aunty Yochana,

I tried the durian roll (Tabao 2 pc home), my mum and I each ate a pc, initially I tot the filling is usual buttercream, but this durian roll gave me a surprise! It's durian filling!! I totally adore this!!! VERY NICE!

Can u kindly share the recipe? My mum asked me if I'm able to make this durian roll (of this standard), aunty, plsss share the recipe can??


My email add is


Sophia said...

Can you please teach how to make the cream/filling of this roll? My son wants me to make it as he didn't manage to eat one. I'm not a fan of durian though. Thanks & rgds.

Anonymous said...

Hi Aunty Yochana,
I like to try this Durian roll .Can u share the recipe?
because my mom like to eat everything that make of Durian.
Thank you
my email is

Ping of Edmonton,can