Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Chan Pau


Anonymous said...

Looks very good..Aunty, is that Char Siew?

Aunty Yochana said...

Hi the swift,

yes it's char siew fillings.


Aunty Yochana said...

Hi the swift,

yes it's char siew fillings.


Girl Who Can't Cook said...

Hi Aunty...completely off topic question but I need a bit of advice...can ganache frosted cakes be stored out of the fridge and if so, for how long?

Thanks so much for the expert advice *^^*

Aunty Yochana said...

Hi Girl who can't cook

Ganache - it depends on how well it's done and the consistency.

It should be able to last at room temp for a couple of hours or more and if it's in a air-cond room, it's no problem at all. Definitely not too long in an outdoor gathering with our blazing hot sun.
