Friday, December 12, 2008

Banana Cupckes


kaka.C said...

is making cup cakes same like making the cake?

Aunty Yochana said...

Hi kaka,

yes it's the same ...


kaka.C said...

thanks =)

Anonymous said...

Hi Aunty,
Just would like to ask if a recipe call to grease a baking tin and line with baking paper, is it that I need to grease it first & line with paper & grease it again & the lining of paper is it only onto the bottom of the tin only? Thanks.

Aunty Yochana said...

Hi Delphine,

just grease the pan and line it with paper will do . no need to regrease again.


Anonymous said...

Thank for your reply and should the side of the baking tin be line with paper too. Sorry to bother you again.

Aunty Yochana said...

Hi Delphine,

yu can line the side if you want to but normally I don't.


Anonymous said...

Hi Aunty,
Good morning, thanks you for your reply.