Monday, November 24, 2008

Pumpkin Layered Cake


130 gm. Mashed Pumpkin (steam till cooked, mash and drain away the excess water)
85 gm. Pumpkin - shredded (raw)
100 gm. Rice flour
120 gm. Sago four
300 gm. thick coconut milk or evaporated milk
200 ml. water

220 gm. sugar
250 ml. water
some pandan leaves


(1) Boil sugar with water and pandan leaves until sugar is dissolved.
(2) Combine rice flour, sago flour, thick coconut milk and water. Then pour in the boiled sugar syrup and mix till evenly combined.
(3) Scoop out 220 gm. of the batter, mix in the mashed pumpkin and set aside.
(4) Pour the balance batter into a pot and stir over heat till mixture thickens. Add in shredded pumpkin, mix till evenly mixed. Pour into an 8" square tin and steam over high heat for 20 mins.
(5) Pour the mashed pumpkin batter onto the steamed cake and steam for another 20 mins. till cooked.
(6) Cool thoroughly before slice and serve.


Anonymous said...

hi aunty

able to email this recepit to me


Anonymous said...

Hi Aunty Yochana,

Yr pumpkin layered cake looks wonderful. you r really creative.

Hope u can share the receipe.

Best blessings & thanks
Esther Ong

Anonymous said...

Hi yochana, the kueh looks so yummy! i love pumpkin. do u mind to email me the recipe? my email is
Thanks ya.


Anonymous said...

Hi yochana, the kueh looks so yummy! i love pumpkin. do u mind to email me the recipe? my email is
Thanks ya.


Anonymous said...

hi aunty yochana

i have browse thru yr blog for a while and i like all your 'precious products'... could you pls share with us recipe for Pumpkin Layered Cake as it looks yummy, colourful as mahjong, at some point it looks like agar agar too. i hope i can try and let my kids learn too.. my girls simply love to bake..hope can make them during CNY, tks a lot : )

Anonymous said...

Hello, Yochana,

Glad to see another creation of yours using pumpkin. Would be glad if you could share with us this lovely pumpkin layered cake recipe.


Aunty Yochana said...

Hi little fatty, never cross my mind that it looks like mahjong..


Anonymous said...

Hi Yochana ,

Yr pumpkin layered cake realy turn me on.

Do you mind email the receipe


dachele said...

hi aunty,

nice cake! Can i replace sweet pumpkin with yam? as my husband bought me more thn 3kg of yam. i'm thinking of wht to make n how can i clear it.
hav a nice day!


Aunty Yochana said...

hi qin qin,

yes you can replace it with yam or sweet potatoes.


Anonymous said...

Dear Yochana,

Thks for sharing the recipe.

Keep up the GOOD WORK !!!

Family First said...

Aunty, thanks again for sharing a recipe. Love your bakes ... every single one. Really wish I was living in Singapore .. can attend classes at your place and Gina's!

Anonymous said...

Hi Aunty

this looks interesting and i like yam, sweet potato and pumpkin! but have a question about the sago flour...can it be replaced with other flour? thks


Aunty Yochana said...

hi octopusmum,

you can replace with tapioca flour.


Aunty Yochana said...

Sure Family problem.


dachele said...

hi aunty,
thanks for ur reply,i sure wil try this recipe. n i made yam cake this evening using yr recipe. i've uploaded it to my blog,wil let u knw how it taste after it cool.thanks for sharing.


Anonymous said...

HI aunty

thks for the tip...i think i will replace with tapioca flour since it seems to be more commonly used than sago flour but having said that, i still need to go buy a packet of tapioca flour...

Anonymous said...

Hi Aunty,

If replaced with Tapioca flour, still the same 120gm ?
