Monday, November 24, 2008

Oreo Cream Cake


Anonymous said...

mmm Yum! i love oreos. i made an oreo cookies and cream slice the other week :)

Anonymous said...

hi aunty, can u please share the recipee for this oero cream please? i would like to make this for my dad's birthday this yday, i already have a recipee for the cake bt i have yet to find one for the cream and fillings, so ur help would be greatly appreciated!

i would really love it if ur able to share the recipee or the proportions for the cream. my email: thank you!

love, evelyn

Aunty Yochana said...

hi evelyn,

This cake don't need recipe. Just crush your oreo biscuits and mix into your whipped cream.


Anonymous said...

hi aunty, sorry to ask again! whipped cream as in the buttercream u posted? if so, for the proportions u posted right, how much is needed to forst and fill the cake? halve it or?

thanks, evelyn

Aunty Yochana said...

hi evelyn,

whipped cream is not butter cream.

You can buy carton packed whipped cream from the supermarket. You can crush any amount you like as long as the fresh cream can hold it.


Anonymous said...

hi aunty, oh really! that wil be so convienient, any brands u wld like to recommend?

also want to thank you for ur great efforts in keeping up with this blog! thank you!


Aunty Yochana said...

Hi evelyn,

buy value pride or Pour and Whip from Sun Lik.


Anonymous said...

Hi aunty, pei fu the way you cut the cake layers. My cake always suffer when I cut them. Any tricks to your neat cutting?


Aunty Yochana said...

Hi Rebecca,

Chill your cake before slicing. Use a good serrated knife (Victorinox) to cut.


Anonymous said...

this must be delicious... Aunty, do you by any chance have a steam fruit cake recipe? My mom craves for one but I don't have any recipe for it.

Unknown said...

who can give me this cake repice...thank

Unknown said...

hello....who can teach me do this cake leh....i wan the recipe who can give me....if got recipe is writing chinese is very good lo...hehe...thank..